Who are your classmates?谁是你的同班同学?很显然这里的who是第三人称复数;
Who does go to school on foot in your class?这里很显然是第三人称单数;
What you said is important.
What we do now is (to) study hard.
What we need is knowledge.
What they want are some books.这个用的是复数形式。 when做主语一般只能用第三人称单数when this picture will be sent out hasn't been decided yet.只能用单数,即使把 this picture改成these pictures
疑问词分疑问代词和疑问副词,而只有疑问代词可以作主语,疑问代词有:what, who,whom,whose,which,,其中what, who,which可以做主语,至于谓语用单数还是复数,取决于语境,即上下文。举例如下:
Who is in the room? 谁在房间里?(问者不清楚房间里一人还是多人)
Who are in the room? 都谁在房间里?(问者比较肯定房间里有至少两人)
What is in the box? 盒子里是什么?(问者不知内部情况)
What are in the box? 盒子里都有些什么?(问者确信里面不知一样或一件东西)
Which is your book? 哪本是你的书?
Which are your books? 哪些是你的书?
Who is he? Who are they?
When does she leave? When do they have lunch?
What do you mean? What is procrastination?