求各位高手帮帮忙 求答案

2024-12-31 04:45:04


1 :
select xm 学生姓名,
sum(decode(kc, '数学', cj, 0)) 数学成绩,
sum(decode(kc, '英语', cj, 0)) 英语成绩
from bd
where xm in (select b.xm
from (select xm, cj from bd where kc = '数学') b,
(select xm, cj from bd where kc = '英语') c
where b.xm = c.xm
and b.cj < c.cj)
group by xm;

2 :
select xm 学生姓名,
when sx <= 59 then
when sx between 60 and 75 then
when sx between 76 and 90 then
when sx between 91 and 100 then
end) 数学成绩,
when yy <= 59 then
when yy between 60 and 75 then
when yy between 76 and 90 then
when yy between 91 and 100 then
end) 英语成绩
from (select xm,
sum(decode(kc, '数学', cj, 0)) sx,
sum(decode(kc, '英语', cj, 0)) yy
from bd
group by xm);

3 :
select xm, yy
from (select xm,
sum(decode(kc, '数学', cj, 0)) sx,
sum(decode(kc, '英语', cj, 0)) yy
from bd
group by xm)
where yy in (select max(yy)
from (select xm,
sum(decode(kc, '数学', cj, 0)) sx,
sum(decode(kc, '英语', cj, 0)) yy
from bd
group by xm));

select xm, yy
from (select xm,
sum(decode(kc, '数学', cj, 0)) sx,
sum(decode(kc, '英语', cj, 0)) yy
from bd
group by xm)
where yy in (select min(yy)
from (select xm,
sum(decode(kc, '数学', cj, 0)) sx,
sum(decode(kc, '英语', cj, 0)) yy
from bd
group by xm));

select xm, sx
from (select xm,
sum(decode(kc, '数学', cj, 0)) sx,
sum(decode(kc, '英语', cj, 0)) yy
from bd
group by xm)
where sx in (select max(sx)
from (select xm,
sum(decode(kc, '数学', cj, 0)) sx,
sum(decode(kc, '英语', cj, 0)) yy
from bd
group by xm));

select xm, sx
from (select xm,
sum(decode(kc, '数学', cj, 0)) sx,
sum(decode(kc, '英语', cj, 0)) yy
from bd
group by xm)
where sx in (select min(sx)
from (select xm,
sum(decode(kc, '数学', cj, 0)) sx,
sum(decode(kc, '英语', cj, 0)) yy
from bd
group by xm));
