the discharge amount in equivalent standard或者the standardised equivalent discharging
原句:and the discharge amount in equivalent standard were 0.16*104,0.93*104,1.65*104 m3/a respectively. 相应的等标排放量分别为0.16*104,0.93*104,1.65*104 m3/a
.....and the method of standardised equivalent discharging was introduced to measure pollution contributions,
1.Source apportionment and spatial heterogeneity of agricultural non-point source pollution based on water environmental function zoning
2.Livestock Waste Pollution Loading and Its Environmental Impact In Xingyun Lake Watershed
专业术语,就算考高口二口也有很多专业术语你不知道,根据自己的理解翻译,让别人知道这个词是什么意思,但又不过于直白,我的理解是standard emission