
2024-11-25 19:35:01


Ladies and Gentlmen, we are approaching station XX station, please check your luggage and prepare to get off the train, please alight front door of this carriage, and let passengers alight first before boarding the train, we are arriving at station XX station.

Ladies and Gentlmen, we have arrived at XX station, as stopping here is very short, passengers don't have reached final destination, please don't get off for a walk. Also please(这个转折点我听了无数万套,实在不知所云,只能按照发音凑成两个单词),smoking is not allowed on the platform, thanks for your cooperation.


Ladies and Gentlmen, welcome aboard XX(冠名厂商英文名),I would like to send our regards to you on behalf of all crew members, wish you have a pleasant journey, the next station is XX. Ladies and Gentlmen, you are taking is a green smoking-free train, it equips smoking detect. For your and others' travelling safety, please don't smoke within any area in the train. Please make sure your luggage on luggage rack has been laid safely, so that they are not fallen out of rack, and hurt yourself and other passengers. For keeping equipments and facilities have good functions, please be considerate when you use that, thanks for your cooperation.



英文:Dear passengers, welcome to take G018 high-speed train from Beijing  to Shanghai .  G018 high-speed train will depart soon. Please check in with your luggage as soon as possible. Smoking is forbidden in this train. Please don’t smoke in the carriages. Please put the garbage in the garbage bag in front of your seat in order to keep the carriages clean. Thank you for your cooperation. Have a good trip.


发车:女士们先生!您上车后,请按照车票上的座位号对号入座,在列车正常运行中,请勿碰触车厢内乘客紧急制动手拎等安全设施,不要依靠在车门上,使用洗手间时,请勿将杂物丢在便池内,为了确保列车运行安全,公安部门郑重提醒您,严禁在动车组内吸烟,因为动车组内吸烟会触发烟雾报警,导致紧急停车,如果由于吸烟造成严重后果时,将依法追究责任,感谢您的配合。女士们先生们,列车前方停车站是XX站。 准备到站:女士们先生们!列车前方停车站是XX站,请中途下车的旅客提前做好下车的准备,站立在两车连接处时,不要依靠在车门上,下车时请注意车梯与站台之间的空隙,请带小孩的旅客看顾好您的小朋友,由于中途停站时间短,未到站的旅客请不要下车并看顾好自己的行李物品,防止丢失被盗,列车全程禁止吸烟,谢谢合作。 到站:女士们先生们!列车已经到达XX站。


Ladies and Gentlmen, welcome aboard XX(冠名厂商英文名),I would like to send our regards to you on behalf of all crew members, wish you have a pleasant journey, the next station is XX. Ladies and Gentlmen, you are taking is a green smoking-free train, it equips smoking detect. For your and others' travelling safety, please don't smoke within any area in the train. Please make sure your luggage on luggage rack has been laid safely, so that they are not fallen out of rack, and hurt yourself and other passengers. For keeping equipments and facilities have good functions, please be considerate when you use that, thanks for your cooperation.

