美国共分50个州和华盛顿的最后两个国家加入欧盟获得阿拉斯加( 49 )和夏威夷( 50 ) 。双方一起于1959年。
其他相关领域的美国:贝克岛-h owland岛- ja rvis岛-约翰斯顿环礁-景礁-中途群岛- na va ss a岛-palm y ra atoll的-威克岛
所有国家都有官方网页,提供一般资讯以及旅游信息和有关国家政府的同意。下面是一个列出所有国家(也连结到网页) 。
阿拉巴马(基地) ,阿拉斯加(支ak )亚利桑那州( az )的阿肯色( ar )的加利福尼亚(星期日)科罗拉多(共同)康涅狄格(通讯)德拉瓦州(德)佛罗里达(外语) ,格鲁吉亚( 2000 )夏威夷(喜) ,爱达荷州(身份证)伊利诺( il )的印第安纳州(音)爱荷华(监)堪萨斯(卡波西肉瘤)肯塔基州(在ky ) louisisana (洛杉矶)缅因州(我)马里兰(海事)麻省理工(马)密歇根(米)明尼苏达(锰) ,密西西比州(余) ,密苏里(墨)蒙大拿州(吨)内布拉斯加(氖)内华达(女) ,新罕布什尔(铵)新泽西(新泽西)新墨西哥(纳米) ,纽约(纽约)北卡罗来纳(数控) ,北达科他(次)俄亥俄州(哦)奥克拉荷马(好)俄勒冈(或)宾夕法尼亚(坝)罗德岛(扶)南卡罗(资深)南达科(处)田纳西(总氮)德州(德克萨斯)犹他州(超声波)佛蒙特州(速)弗吉尼亚州(节)华盛顿(佤)西弗吉尼亚州(水汽)威斯康星(无线)怀俄明
Intro to the U.S.
The United States consists of 50 states and Washington D.C. The last two States to join the Union were Alaska (49th) and Hawaii (50th). Both joined in 1959.
Washington DC is a federal district under the authority of the U.S. Congress. Washington DC is represented in Congress by an elected, non-voting Delegate to the House of Representatives. Residents have been able to vote in presidential elections since 1961.
Puerto Rico is a commonwealth associated with the United States. Puerto Ricans are U.S. citizens. Puerto Ricans do not vote in U.S. Presidential elections, but they do elect a non-voting commissioner to the U.S. House of Representatives.
U.S. Virgin Islands - St. John, St. Croix, and St. Thomas is an unincorporated territory of the United States. Administered by the Office of Insular Affairs, U.S. Department of the Interior. Indigenous inhabitants are U.S. citizens, but do not vote in U.S. Presidential elections.
Northern Mariana Islands is a commonwealth in political union with the United States. Self-governing with locally elected governor and legislature.
American Samoa is a unincorporated territory of the United States. Administered by the Office of Insular Affairs, U.S. Department of the Interior.
Guam is a unincorporated territory of the United States. Administered by the Office of Insular Affairs, U.S. Department of the Interior. Inhabitants are U.S. citizens, but do not vote in U.S. Presidential elections.
Other Dependent Areas of the United States: Baker Island - Howland Island - Jarvis Island - Johnston Atoll - Kingman Reef - Midway Islands - Navassa Island - Palmyra Atoll - Wake Island
Outline Series: State Department Publications on the United States
Portrait of the USA - An introduction from the U.S. State Department
Symbols and Celebrations - Links from INFO-USA
Other links:
Basic Facts on the United States
The 50 States of the United States
All states have official homepages, that provide general information as well as tourist information and information about the state government. Below is a list of all the states (also with links to the homepages).
Alabama (AL) Alaska (AK) Arizona (AZ) Arkansas (AR) California (CA) Colorado (CO) Connecticut (CT) Delaware (DE) Florida (FL) Georgia (GA) Hawaii (HI) Idaho (ID) Illinois (IL) Indiana (IN) Iowa (IA) Kansas (KS) Kentucky (KY) Louisisana (LA) Maine (ME) Maryland (MD) Massachussetts (MA) Michigan (MI) Minnesota (MN) Mississippi (MS) Missouri (MO) Montana (MT) Nebraska (NE) Nevada (NV) New Hampshire (NH) New Jersey (NJ) New Mexico (NM) New York (NY) North Carolina (NC) North Dakota (ND) Ohio (OH) Oklahoma (OK) Oregon (OR) Pennsylvania (PA) Rhode Island (RI) South Carolina (SC) South Dakota (SD) Tennessee (TN) Texas (TX) Utah (UT) Vermont (VT) Virginia (VA) Washington (WA) West Virginia (WV) Wisconsin (WI) Wyoming (WY)