whose、of which和of whom都是定语从句中的引导词
of which 指物,of whom 指人,而whose既可指物又可指人 。所以指物的时候,可以用whose也可以用of which 代替;指人的时候可以用whose,当然可以用of whom 代替。
其实whose、of which和of whom的使用比较特殊,成分不是简单地主语宾语表语等,而是这个语中的一个名词所属。(就成分而言,和常规的只用which, who,whom或that 略有区别,因为常规的which, who,whom或that 可以较明确的指明它们在从句中的成分。比如 this is the book which i bought yesterday. which 做从句的宾语)
of whom :I knew Li Ming, whose uncle is a teacher.
I knew Li MIng, the uncle of whom is a teacher.
源自 两个简单句或一个并列句
I knew Li Ming. His uncle is a teacher.
I knew Li Ming and his uncle is a teacher.
of which I saw the montain, whose top was covered with snow.
I saw the mountain, the top of which was covered with snow.
同样源自 两个简单句或一个并列句
I saw the mountain. The top of mountain was covered with snow.
I saw the mountain. and the top of it was covered with snow.
或I saw the mountain. and its top was covered by snow.
1)whose有时可以与of which互换。但使用后者时,在of which所修饰的名词之前常加一个限定词:
The building whose roof we can see from here is a hotel.
The building the roof of which we can see from here is a hotel.
I saw some trees whose leaves were black with disease.
I saw some trees the leaves of which were black with disease.
2)whose的意义与of whom近似,但whose表示所有关系,而of whom则表示范围(主要用于非限制性定语从句,另见10.3~8)或其它意义:
The boys whose names were called stood up. 被叫到名字的几个男生站起来了。
I met the newcomers, several of whom were Chinese. 我见到了那些新来的人,他们中有几个是中国人。
Qi Dark, of whom you may have heard, is his sister. 齐大可,你可能听说过,是他的姐姐。