田径-athletics、赛艇-rowing、自行车-cycling、游泳-swimming、棒球-baseball、足球-football、篮球-basketball、羽毛球-badminton、乒乓球-Table tennis、射击-shooting、拳击-boxing、排球-volleyball、沙滩排球-beach volleybal 、曲棍球-hockey、皮划艇-canoeing、马术-equestrian、体操-gymnastics、手球-handball、水球-waterball、举重-weight lifting、柔道-judo、摔跤-wrestling、垒球-softball、击剑-fencing、铁人3项-iron man three items、现代五项-modern pentathlon
first half 上半场 internal 中场休息 second half 下半场 allowance 补时 extra time 加时 choice of ends and the kick-off are decided by the toss of a coin 掷币挑边和开球 kick off 开球 kick-off-time 开赛时间 close game with long forward passes 长传急攻 short pass 短传 combination passed 短传配合 double pass 二过一 drive down the side-lines before centering the ball 沉底传中 pass-and receive combinations 传接配合 center 传中 cross pass 横传 one-touch pass 一脚球 ground pass 地面传球 scissors kick 倒钩球 lofted ball 高吊球 head ball 顶球 ferocious tackle 拼抢 block 堵截 support 策应 side tackle 侧面抢截 dash forward 插上 excessive dribbling 盘带过多 pincers movement 两翼包抄 playmaker 进攻组织者 outflank 边路进攻 fast break 快攻 volley shot 凌空射门 man-for-man marking 盯人防守 fill gap 补位 balancing defense 防守补位 “blanket” defense 密集防守 off side 越位 trip opponent 绊人 charge opponet 冲撞