This holiday I read a famous book WHO MOVED MY CHEESE.This book is very good,so I had some idea about this book.
This book told us a story:Long long ago and a land far away,there were four characters,two wrer mice,named ‘Sniff’ & ‘Scurry’,two were little men,named ‘Hem’ &’Hew’.One day,they found a room which had a lot of cheese together,then they lived happily together.After some years,all the cheess were ate by the men and the mice.Then the mice looked for the cheese with their shoes again,and they found another room with cheese soon.Although men were more clever than mice,they very sad,they cried ereryday,they still had nothing to eat everyday.Suddenly,‘Hem’ knew that if they don’t look for cheese,the cheese will not go there themselves.So he left the room and to look for new cheese and mice.
I think it isn’t a simple story,from this story we can learn something.In our life,we will have some defeat,but we mustn’t wait,if you wait you can get nothing.Maybe you lose your work or job,if you look for new work or girlfriend(boyfriend) hard,you maybe succse soon.
So,I think this book is very wonderful,I hope you can read it if you are free.It will help you to change your life!