
2025-01-05 23:31:40


The Arc de Triomphe of the Lion in Paris is located in the centre of the Charles de Gaulle Square in Paris, France, at the west end of Champs Elysees Street.


The Arc de Triomphe, as its name implies, is a triumphant gate for the army to go out for battle. It is the largest circular arch in the world today. It is located in the center of Charles de Gaulle Square in central Paris.


The square was also built with the Arc de Triomphe of the Lion, because the completion of the Arc de Triomphe brought inconvenience to traffic. 

In the mid-19th century, a circular square and 12 roads were built around the Arc de Triomphe, each of which was 40-80 meters wide and radial, just like the brilliant light of a star. A square is also called Star Square.


The Arc de Triomphe was originally designed by Shaglang and Raymond. Because of disagreement, Raymond resigned two years later. 

So the Arc de Triomphe was finally completed according to Shaglang's design. The French National Monument Centre is responsible for maintenance, repair and management.







Arc de Triomphe

The Arc de Triomphe is a monument in Paris that stands in the centre of the Place de l'Étoile, at the western end of the Champs-Élysées. It is the linchpin of the historic axis (L'Axe historique) leading from the courtyard of the Louvre Palace, a sequence of monuments and grand thoroughfares on a route leading out of Paris. The monument's iconographic program pitted heroically nude French youths against bearded Germanic warriors in chain mail and set the tone for public monuments with triumphant nationalistic messages until World War I.

The monument stands over 51 metres (165 feet) in height and is 45 metres wide. It is the second largest triumphal arch in existence (North Korea built a slightly larger Arch of Triumph in 1982 for the 70th birthday of Kim Il-Sung); the Arc de Triomphe is so colossal that an early daredevil flew his plane through it.凯旋门

凯旋门是一座丰碑,在巴黎表示,站在中心广场l'閠oile ,在西端的著名élysées 。这是关键的历史性轴( l'斧头historique )领导,从庭院的卢浮宫宫殿,一列古迹和宏伟的干道上的路线领导走出巴黎。纪念碑的影像节目进站英勇裸法国青年对大胡子的日耳曼勇士在连锁邮件,并定下了基调,为市民古迹与战无不胜的民族主义的讯息,直到第一次世界大战。

纪念碑停机超过51米( 165英尺)的高度和45米宽的。它是第二大凯旋门华天大存在(北韩建立了一个稍大的拱形的凯旋门,在1982年为70岁生日的金日成) ;凯旋门是如此庞大,早日决死飞到他的飞机通过。


Eiffel Tower
一点关于艾菲尔铁塔历史介绍中文,英文,法文对照H I S T O R I Q U E Le 31 mars 1889, la pose du drapeau au sommet de la Tour Eiffel consacrait l'oeuvre mondialement connue de Gustave Eiffel, au terme d'une construction qui aura nécessité 18 038 pièces métalliques, 2 500 000 rivets et plus de 2 ans d'assemblage. Edifiée pour l'exposition universelle qui célébra le centenaire de la Révolution Fran?aise, la Tour Eiffel a acquis en 108 ans, une réputation mondiale et plus de 167 millions de visiteurs de toute nationalité ont, depuis sa création, escaladé le monument érigé en fer puddlé, symbole du rayonnement de Paris. En 1996, pas moins de 5 530 279 visiteurs ont apprécié, du haut de ses 318,7 mètres avec antenne, la vue portant à 80 kilomètres par beau temps. The most famous monument in France and the symbol of Paris H I S T O R Y On 31 March 1889, the flag was raised on the top of the Eiffel Tower, thus consecrating Gustav Eiffel's world-renowned monument, made of 18,038 metal components, 2,500,000 rivets, which took over two years to assemble. In the 108 years since it was built for the World Exhibition, in celebration of the French Revolution, the Eiffel Tower has gained world renown. Over 167 million visitors of all nationalities have climbed the monument made of puddled iron, which has become a symbol of the cultural influence of Paris. In 1996, from its 318.7 meter summit (including the antenna), no less that 5 530 279 visitors enjoyed the view, which extends for up to 80 kilometers in fine weather. Come admire the Eiffel Tower! 法国最著名的建筑,巴黎的标志历史背景: 1889年三月31日,艾菲尔铁塔顶端飘扬的旗帜标志着古斯塔夫.艾菲尔闻名世界的作品的诞生。整个建筑工程需要18038块金属, 250颗铆钉并化了两年的时间组装成功的。 为了建造一个世界瞩目的作品来庆祝法国革命100周年,艾菲尔铁塔于公元108年开始名扬天下,自起落成后,来自不同国家的16700万参观者登上了这个象征着辉煌巴黎的巍然屹立的铁塔。 1996年,553万多参观者从318。7米高的塔上(包括天线),在晴朗天空下,眺望80公里远的景色。

