WARNING:Enter update mode![Ctrl+X to exist]
按提示用crl+b 进入bios设置,提示如下:
[BIOS Boot]: ?
? - print this list
@ - upgrade system image
$ - upgrade BIOS, PassWord = 123
b - boot (load and go)
p - print boot params
c - change boot params
l - load boot file
g adrs - go to adrs
d adrs[,n] - display memory
m adrs - modify MAC address [adrs e.g.:]
r - remove or recover the CLI pas
f adrs, nbytes, value - fill memory
t adrs, adrs, nbytes - copy memory
e - print fatal exception
v - print boot logo with version
n netif - print network interface device address
$dev(0,procnum)host:/file h=# e=# b=# g=# u=usr [pw=passwd] f=#
tn=targetname s=script o=other
Boot flags:
0x02 - load local system symbols
0x04 - don't autoboot
0x08 - quick autoboot (no countdown)
0x20 - disable login security
0x40 - use bootp to get boot parameters
0x80 - use tftp to get boot image
0x100 - use proxy arp
然后按R 然后出现提示:
Please select:
[1] Remove the CLI PassWord
[2] Recover the CLI PassWord
然后再选1 然后出现提示:
Removing the CLI password...
CLI password removed OK.