2007年8月开始于美国的次贷危机,最终演变为全球的金融危机-金融风暴-金融海啸…目前在欧美等国,金融危机正往实体经济蔓延,初步显露出演变为经济危机的征兆。欧洲央行(European Central Bank)管理委员会委员今年7月 14日表示,当前全球金融危机的深度和持续时间仍然不能确定。可以说,人们对于此次危机的认识普遍存在不足,准备不够充分,因而使危机的影响范围和影响程度都在不断的扩大和加深。国内各行业对于这次金融危机的影响也在逐步得到重视,纷纷作出研判和调查应对。汽车行业作为国民经济中的重要行业,在此次危机中将遭遇到什么样的影响,得到世界各国政府及各汽车生产企业或关联产业的极大关注。一、 金融危机如何影响中国汽车行业?1、使国民经济由外向型转为内需型------影响汽车产品的出口。世界能源金融研究院执行院长、中国金融研究院院长何世红认为,“受金融危机影响,全球经济放缓,其严重波及中国出口制造业。。。而随着这些国家消费需求的大幅放缓,中国出口必然受到影响。奇瑞、长安、长城、华晨等车企也在9月份遭遇了近几年来的出口最低谷,对出口严重依赖的自主品牌开始进入“严冬”。中国汽车工业协会提供的海关进出口数据显示,2008年前三季度,汽车整车出口增幅较上年同期有所减缓,截至9月底,汽车共出口55.75万辆,同比增长34.71%,与上年同期相比,增幅回落29.30个百分点;出口金额76.01亿美元,同比增长58.39%,与上年同期相比,增幅回落58.45个百分点。其中, 9月,汽车整车出口4.96万辆,环比下降13.77%,同比下降15.70%,与8月相比,同比降幅进一步加大2、紧缩政策及基础原材料价格上涨------导致生产企业成本增加、资金短缺受原来经济发展过快的影响,国家采取的一系列的紧缩财政政策,加上基础原材料价格的普遍上涨,业内人士分析认为,重卡和大客一般自重都在3吨以上,因此所需要钢材会比轿车更多一些。钢铁涨价后,每辆进料成本将上升3000元至5000元以上,而这样的造车成本,对一直以售价低廉为主要竞争手段的国内商用车制造业来说,将带来致命的打压。“原材料涨得太离谱了,我们的生存空间被严重挤压。高档汽车还有一定的降价空间,但我们的价格已经无法再降了。" 吉利汽车董事长李书福曾这样描述今年以来钢价上涨对经济型轿车的影响,他认为,随着原材料价格的上涨,使本来利润就微薄的经济型轿车生产厂家的利润已趋于零,再也无法消化来自汽车业上游的压力。由于大部分零部件企业都以钢材作为主要生产原料,但钢材用量比重不一,钢价的上涨对成本的影响程度不同。“对于产品技术含量较高,有一定市场定价能力的零部件企业来说,可以转嫁部分成本上升压力,而较多的零部件企业则将承担钢材涨价的负担,无法向下游整车企业转移成本,其经营环境将恶化。” 专业人士如是分析。3、经济形势恶化消费政策调整------消费需求萎缩结构变化金融危机来得太突然,发展势头已经超过大多数人的想象,短短半年多的时间,绝大多数经济体都遭受重创,而按照一般经济规律,当人们普遍对未来经济前景感到悲观和不确定的时候,人们唯一能做的就是减少各种不必要的消费开支,以防范可能的失业和收入减少的风险,以求渡过难关。汽车消费就是其中的大头,这在全球多个经济发达地区尤其表现突出,世界最大汽车市场的美国今年前10个月,汽车销量总计1090万辆,比去年同期减少近200万辆,销量同比降幅达14.6%,而10月份美国本土汽车销量仅为83.8万辆,同比降幅高达32%,为1991年1月以来最低月度销量。丰田汽车就在11月21日宣布,由于受经济危机拖累,世界主要汽车市场消费需求下滑,丰田将在日本本土裁员3000名。无独有偶,日产也在早先发布将缩减20万辆产量,同时全球范围内裁员3500名,并将本财政年度的盈利预期下调65.9%的报告几乎是同时,丰田、本田、三菱、日野和马自达也都相继发布了严重的业绩下滑预告出身外贸行业的汽车评论人钟师认为:“美国金融危机引发的连锁反应,最终也会影响到国内汽车市场的需求量负向变化。”近期来中国车市销量的下滑,已经加剧了全球需求颓势。为应对这次危机,中国采取了一系列的措施计划,就汽车行业而言,如小排量消费税改革,燃油税改革、危机对收入预期、消费心理影响等等,也使汽车的消费需求结构发生了相应的变化。(新华信汽油价格对汽车消费需求的影响调查)4、中国成为国际汽车行业的“避风港”------竞争进一步加剧由于国外汽车巨头均认为,中国汽车市场在今年和明年都将是最好的时光,很多跨国汽车公司加快了在华建厂的速度。跨国公司的这一举措的直接结果就是,10万元以下的合资品牌汽车大量上市,这对国内汽车自主品牌的冲击巨大,使过去不少国内自主品牌汽车的价格优势不再明显。汽车评论人贾新光认为,在遭受金融危机重创之后,国际汽车巨头将加紧对中国市场的争夺。通用汽车公司主管产品研发的副董事长鲍勃·卢茨再次出现在上海。卢茨此次上海之行的重要任务之一是约见中国媒体,阐释通用在中国未来的产品战略。这再次凸显在北美市场持续亏空的情况下,通用希望在中国市场获得更大发展以弥补北美市场损失的愿景。而在此次金融风暴中,受损较小的大众和丰田,可能将从中国市场获得更广阔的发展空间。大众已经通过奥运营销整合了旗下在华合资企业,降低成本并提高国产化率,预计今年在华销量将突破100万辆,完成夺金之梦从前10个月的市场份额变动看,1.0L及其以下和1.0-1.6L的比例有提升。1.0-1.6L轿车是目前的黄金排量车型, 市场上销售的CKD组装车,也集中在1.0-1.6L这个黄金排量上,较上月增长100.0%;与上年同月比,增长高达725.0%;与上年前10个月同比,增长150.17%。国内生产的外资品牌和外资品牌在国内组装,同时争夺A级轿车、普通级轿车市场,使原先具有优势的这个排量区间的自主品牌轿车,遭到空前的狙击。二、 影响的显现与影响周期1、影响现在已逐步显现 09年加剧国际知名的罗兰·贝格国际管理咨询公司近日发布报告称,通过对400多家在全球开展业务的汽车生产商的财务和绩效指标(2001年至2007年间)的调研分析,在过去的一年中,全球汽车生产商面临的压力日益加大,许多表现不佳的汽车生产商将因此一蹶不振,公司合并、破产将会频繁出现。当然,发出此项警告的还有权威汽车调研机构J.D.Power。J.D. Power称,2009年将是全球汽车企业在次贷危机和金融风暴中经历“彻底坍塌”的时期。同时,J.D.Power预计,2009年美国轻型车辆的销量将跌至1320万辆,比预期的1360万辆少40万辆。此外,北美车企恢复期将延长至18个月以后。 “2008年全球汽车行业已经经历了下滑的阵痛,2009年市场将面临‘彻底坍塌’。”J.D. Power预测部门执行董事Jeff Schuster表示,“不过,不论哪个国家和地区都逃不过这场劫难,成熟的市场会比发展中的市场紧缩程度更甚。”罗兰·贝格称,当前的金融危机将使汽车行业遭受重创,许多表现不佳的汽车生产商将因此一蹶不振,公司合并、破产将会频繁出现。2、影响周期:2年左右现在纽约大学的前国家财政部官员Nuriel Rubini,断称之为衰退,并预测衰退将会持续18个月或有可能达24个月之久,包括超过4%的经济输出累积的下降,是二战以来最严重的经济衰退。全球化浪潮已经使得每个行业的利益都在各地联为一体,所以无论是汽车行业还是其他行业,都会被这场危机席卷。据悉,预计美国经济会在2011年左右逐步企稳,但是要重新恢复增长估计会在2013年甚至更远的未来。所以,现在很难判断这将对汽车行业影响多深,至少从目前来看,指望在2010年汽车工业重新驶上轨道的愿望略显渺茫。国内汽车行业内专家普遍认为危机将持续1-2年。三、金融危机对中国汽车行业影响有多大?08年的汽车总销量难以突破1000万中汽协发布的10月产销量数据显示,中国08年产销1,000万辆的目标已无法实现,全国乘用联秘书长饶达表示,车市目前仍无回暖现象,预计汽车市场在第四季度或将继续负增长。据上海证券报11月12日报道,中国汽车工业协会发布的10月份产销量数据显示,2008年10月,汽车产销量较上月继续下降,其中商用车降幅较为明显。前10月,产销量同比保持了10%以上的增长,增速继续呈现温和回落态势。由于前10个月国内汽车总销量尚未达到800万辆,08年冲刺1,000万辆目标的预期已提前落空。
In 2007 August in America subprime crisis, eventually evolved into a global financial crisis and financial crisis - the financial tsunami... At present in Europe and the United States, financial crisis is spreading to the real economy, begins to show signs of change in economic crisis. The European Central Bank(European Central Bank) management committee said in July 14th this year,the global financial crisis is still unable to determine the depth and duration.
Can say, awareness of the crisis of the shortcomings, not well prepared, so that the effect of the scope and extent of the impact of crisis are constantly expanding and deepening. Effects of domestic industries for the financial crisisgradually receive attention, have made investigation response analysis and.Automobile industry is an important industry in the national economy, the crisiswill encounter what kind of impact, attracted great attention from the governments of the world and the automobile production enterprises or relatedindustry.
How, the impact of the financial crisis China automobile industry?
1, make national economy from export-oriented to domestic demand, affectthe exports of automotive products.
The World Energy Finance Research Institute executive director, ChineseFinancial Research Institute president He Shihong said, "by the financial crisis,the global economic slowdown, which seriously affected China manufacturing for export... With the sharp slowdown in consumer demand in these countries,China exports will certainly be affected.
Chery, Changan, the Great Wall, brilliance and other car enterprises also suffered in recent years export the trough in September, rely heavily on theexport of independent brands started to enter the "winter". China automobile industry association to provide the customs import and export data shows, the first three quarters of 2008, automobile export growth over the same period last year slowed, as of the end of 9, car exported 557500 vehicles, an increase of 34.71%, compared with the same period last year, growth fell 29.30 percentage points; exports amounted to US $7601000000, a year-on-year growth of 58.39%, compared with with the same period last year, an increase of 58.45 percentage point drop. Among them, September, automobile export 49600 units, the chain fell 13.77%, drop compared to the same period 15.70%,compared with August, year-on-year decline further
2, tightening and rising prices of raw materials, lead based productionincreased business costs, a shortage of funds
By the rapid development of the economy's influence, tightening fiscal policy, a series of countries, the general rise in prices of raw materials and thefoundation, analysis of the industry think, heavy trucks and large passengergeneral weight in more than 3 tons, therefore need more steel than the sedan. Steel prices, each feed costs will rise from 3000 yuan to 5000 yuan,and that the cost of cars, domestic commercial vehicle has been to lower priceas the main means of competition of the manufacturing industry, will bring thedeadly crackdown.
"Raw materials rise too far, our living space was severely squeezed. Luxury cars are still room for price cuts, but our prices have been unable to go any further. "Geely chairman Li Shufu once described this year steel prices,economy car he thinks that, with the rising prices of raw materials, so that theprofit of economic type of car the meager profits of manufacturers has becomezero, cannot digest from the car industry upstream pressure.
Since the majority of parts enterprises as the main raw materials for the production of steel, but the steel dosage proportion not, rising steel prices on the cost influence. "For the product technology content is high, there is a certain market pricing power components enterprises, can transfer part ofrising cost pressures, but many parts enterprises will bear the burden of steel prices, not to shift costs to downstream enterprise, the business environment will be worse." Professionals such as is analysis.
3, the deteriorating economic situation of consumer policy adjustment,shrinking consumer demand structure change
The financial crisis came too suddenly, the momentum of development has been more than most people imagine, just more than half a year's time, the vast majority of economies have suffered heavy losses, and in accordance with the general economic laws, when people generally feel pessimistic and uncertain economic prospects for the future, the people only can do is toreduce unnecessary spending the risk, in order to prevent unemployment and income may be reduced, to tide over the crisis. Automobile consumption is one of the big head, the more economically developed regions of the worldespecially prominent, the world's biggest car market America the first 10 months of this year, car sales totaled 10900000 vehicles, compared with the same period last year by nearly 2000000 units, year-on-year sales fell to 14.6%, and in October America local car sold only 838000 cars, year-on-year decline up to 32%, the lowest since January monthly sales for 1991.
Toyota car was announced in November 21st, affected by the economic crisis,slowdown of the world major auto market consumer demand, Toyota will cut 3000 jobs in japan. Coincidentally, Nissan in earlier releases will shrink by 200000 vehicles yield, while global workforce by 3500, and the fiscal yearprofit forecast by 65.9% report is almost at the same time, Toyota, Honda,Mitsubishi, Hino and Mazda have issued a severe performance declineforecast
Automotive commentator Zhong Shi was born trade said: "USA financial crisistriggered a chain reaction, it will eventually affect the demand for the domestic automobile market negative changes." China decline in car city sales in recent years, have contributed to global demand decline.
To cope with the crisis, Chinese has taken a series of measures to plan, autoindustry, such as the small displacement of the consumption tax, fuel tax reform, crisis on income expectation, consumption psychology and so on, alsomakes the car.