Attention!! 怎么写这个英语作文昂??!!

2025-03-06 20:12:47

Agree or disagree:
Drivers should pay a fee to be allowed to drive on the city streets during the time when there is the greatest amount of traffic.

From the invention of Stream engine by James Watt to the innovation of modern assembly lines by Henry Ford, An epoch called Automobile Era has already come. There were 590 million passenger cars worldwide (roughly one car for every eleven people) as of 2002. Whereas the convent brought by automobile, traffic jam also became a more and more serious problem in many cities. To reduce the pressure of the choke on roads, some people suggest that city streets can be available to these drivers who pay a bit of money. I wholeheartly agree this advice. I think this is a significant measure to control the problem be arose by traffic for the following reasons.

To begin with, this project will improve the road condition effectively. Levy money can limit the traffic at some downtown areas and at some peak hours. However, public buses and underground railways at many metropolitans like Tokyo, London and New York are well developed. Ultimately, levy money may compel some parts of drivers to forsake their cars and use other transportations. Traffic accidents will be diminished for the sake of the traffic decrease. Thus, traffic problems will, at least, not become more severe.

In addition, The decrease of the traffic and the funds raised by the fee can be helpful for the environment. Traffic limitation reduce the greenhouse gas which produced by automobile exhaust. Furthermore, government can use these payments to research and invent more environment-oriented energy like hydric cells, solar battery or bio-energy such as alcohol energy which epurated by corn. These measures can actually ease heat island effect and alleviate global warming.

Another merit of this plan will be showed on economic aspect. Although some drivers will pay an extra fee to be allowed to drive cars, others who give up their cars will save money by use other transportations. As oil price dramatically soar, gasoline expense is a gigantic burden for the salary class. Otherwise, Parking fees in some big cities are surprisingly expensive. So you can image: If you use other transportations, you would save a lot of money.

To sum up, I strongly recommend that drivers should pay a fee to drive on a certain streets during some peak hours, for the benefits brought by improve city traffic condition, environment-oriented and economic advantage.
