Aliens exist? There! Why not in direct contact with human beings?
Human on earth is lonely. Nature billions of years spent time in the Earth's biosphere in the creation of countless species, has created a lot of similar intellectual level of an animal, but rarely only create a maximum intelligence groups - human.
Human beings in the universe are you lonely?
Not! Can use simple mathematical rules to make affirmative answer.
Since the Earth has produced intelligent human beings, the univer se show that the intelligence on the existence of non-zero probability. The real universe is infinite, in the face of unlimited nature unique to the Earth only to discount, and unlimited neglect, which is impossible. All of the beliefs and reasons, only this point the most powerful firm.
According to Asimov the minimum limit is estimated that in the Milky Way has at least 600 million planets have life, have more cells in the lives of the planet has at least 400 million, due to evolutionary differences, which have had a technical civilization, the planet still exists not less than 50,000. Null and void in the universe has the same months as the Milky Way河外星系, there will be numerous 50000.
Distributed in the tens of thousands throughout the galaxy planet civilizations, and their level of evolution will certainly be different, even if the time difference of a few million years of age compared with the Milky Way is just a tiny fraction. We can self-confidence in all of human civilization, the planet of technology at the forefront of it?
But perhaps! But as 50,000 lottery jackpot was drawn earth as difficult. Earth in many middle-level intelligence in the case of the possibility of the most, Even so, it is also the most advanced technology and civilization to a difference of tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands or even millions of years time (our goal was just at the Milky Way). Mankind from茹毛饮血"smart animals," to modern times in only a few years time, another few million year