酸雨污染 Acid Rain Pollution
温室效应 Greenhouse effect
臭氧层破坏 Ozone Depletion
土地沙漠化 Land Desertification
森林面积减少 Reduction in forest area
物种灭绝 Extinction of species
水资源危机 Water crisis
水上流失 Water wastage
垃圾成灾 Refuse disaster
城市大气污染 Urban Air Pollution
acid rain; greenhouse effect;ozonosphere destruction;
酸雨污染acid rain pollution
温室效应 greenhouse effect
酸雨污染 acid rain polution
温室效应 greenhouse effect
全球变暖 global warming
臭氧层破坏 ozonosphere broken
acid rain pollution, greenhouse effect(or global warming). ozone destrucion, desertification of land,decreasing of forest area, extinction of species,crisis of water resources,rubish flooding.atmospheric pollution of cities
acid rain pollution/global warming/ozonosphere destruction/desertification/ forest reduction/species extinction/shortage of water resource/
more garbage/city atomosphere pullution