OS abbr. 1. oculus sinister[拉丁语、处方用语]左眼 2. Old Saxon 古撒克逊语 3. Old School 4. Old Series(书刊等的)旧辑 5. Old Style 6. operating system 【计算机】操作系统 7. ordinary seaman8. ordnance survey 9. out of stock 脱销 10. outsize DS abbr. 1. [意大利语]【音乐】 dal segno (=from the sign) 2. Date of service 开始服役日期 3. Days after sight 【商业】见票后…天付款 4. Debt service 年息和偿债基金总额 5. Dental Surgeon 6. Department of Sanitation 环境卫生部 7. Department of State 国务院 8. design specification 9. design standard(s) 10. design specialist 11. detached service 12. Director of Services 勤务主任 13. disseminated sclerosis 14. Doctor of science 理学博士 15. document signed 文件已签署;署名文件 16. drop siding 【建筑业】互搭(披叠)板 17. drugstore