" Pride and Prejudice" of the works, at home and abroad have been studied. In women, all have a different theme analysis and entry. At home, Chen Yanling and Liu Likun Austen of the female consciousness in (2007,03). In 2008 JiangXi BlueSky University Xiong Yanfei to" Pride and Prejudice" small theme creation undertook careful analysis studies. Song Wei, Jiang Lian ( Yanshan University Institute of foreign languages ) in 2009of" Pride and Prejudice" in feminist embodiment. Jane Austen op art charm not only the child is father of the man, with fine see wide, is more simple, humorous language in the daily life of ordinary people in the depiction of life be full of sound and colour.The famous British writer and critic John Keble ( T.T.Kebble ) says" Jane Austen is a comic artist," and that she" in pure comedy art next to Shakespeare". The British nineteenth Century famous historian, poet and political writer Thomas Maclay ( Thomas Macauley ) to call her "the prose of Shakespeare". Maugham said:" I believe, the majority of readers have found" Pride and Prejudice" is Austen's masterpiece, I think their evaluation is very apropos. The works become a classic, not critics praise with one voice, professors, this study used as a school textbook, but to make a generations of another generation of readers in reading this novel get pleasure, inspired by wisdom. In my opinion," Pride and Prejudice" in general, are all the most satisfactory one works." Maugham this view not only represents the authority of experts evaluation, but also the world wide readership the unanimous aspiration.This paper tries from the perspective of feminism interpretation of" Pride and Prejudice" and give it new ideas. At the same time also attempts to" Pride and Prejudice" the hero of Elizabeth's view of life analysis, reveal modern females' attitudes toward life.