Several things are missing in today's movies:
1) Although there were some good romantic comedies in the 90's, there are very few today that really rival the screwball shows of the 30's and 40's. Bringing up Baby comes to mind with the interplay between Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn. There was an unlikely blend of sophistication, pacing, and sheer looniness that make it a delight to watch the older films. Today's films in this genre are only there because there is nowhere else for them to go. They are too often low-brow and raunchy, with everyone ending up in bed (or somewhere else) having sex. Romantic comedy is not about sex!
2) Now that technical abilities have increased so dramatically with the development of computer graphics, too often special effects take the place of character development and the creation of a desireable and believable alternate world. You can watch just so many ever more amazing car chases and explosions. Eventually something real has to happen to somebody, and that too rarely does today.
3) The element of fantasy is also missing. Not in the terms of giant dragons flying with teenagers on their backs, but the abiltiy to inspire fantasy in the viewers, to send them home daydreaming about the characters. That I suspect is one of the reasons that Pirates of the Caribbean was so successful. It was one of the few recent movies to send viewers home longing to dress up like pirates. The characters bring to life a theme park ride in a way that makes us wish Jack Sparrow were real (I suspect he wouldn't smell very nice if he were). Movies used to be an invitation to dream but rarely are they that today.
4) And that leads us to star power. In the "good old days" of Hollywood, movie stars weren't human. They were somehow more beautiful, more intelligent, more perfect than everyone else. Today's tabloids are not the only thing that has destroyed the image of perfection. The movies themselves have gotten to where everyone is pretty much just the person next door, with all the foibles and wrinkles of everyone else.
5) Finally, enough of the remakes already! Dukes of Hazzard, Bewitched, and on and on and on. Do something new and original. Take a chance. Make a movie that maybe doesn't cost so much but that has charismatic actors, excellent plotting, creative camera work, all based on an original idea from someone who maybe isn't in the Hollywood inner circle. Again, I suspect the rise of interest in film festivals such as Sundance is part of the desire of film lovers to see skill and art on the screen. We need more of Robert Rodriguez and the other guerilla filmmakers.