Board的成员变量需要初始化, 再就是CheckerPiece的构造函数在Board类进行构造的时候好像是涉及到嵌套类的构造问题吧, 把CheckerPiece建立一个无参构造函数和一个初始化函数, 这样可以进行初始化
using namespace std;
// 定义了类Checkerpiece(用来检查块, 相当于裁判?)
class Checkerpiece
char color; // to distinct different players
int x;
int y ; //: the coordinate of the piece .
bool selected; // : whether the piece is selected to be moved
bool isKing; //whether the piece reach the end of the board
//bool hasEnemy; // : whether the piece has a enemy piece around it
//Board livespace;
Checkerpiece(char color,int x,int y); // Constructor
void InitCheckerpiece(char color,int x,int y);
int getX();
int getY();
char getColor();
bool ishimking();
void select();
void unselect();
bool crown();
//bool movable();
//bool move(int nextX,int nextY,Board& checkerboard);
//bool simplymove(int nextX,int nextY,Board& checkerboard);
//bool jump(int nextX,int nextY,Board& checkerboard);
//bool isenemy(Checkerpiece cp);
// CheckerPiece类的成员函数的实现
Checkerpiece::Checkerpiece(char color0,int x0,int y0)
color = color0;
x = x0;
y = y0;
void Checkerpiece::InitCheckerpiece(char color0,int x0,int y0)
color = color0;
x = x0;
y = y0;
int Checkerpiece::getX()
return x;
int Checkerpiece::getY()
return y;
char Checkerpiece::getColor()
return color;
bool Checkerpiece::ishimking()
return isKing;
void Checkerpiece::select()
selected = true;
void Checkerpiece::unselect()
selected = false;
bool Checkerpiece::crown()
return isKing = true;
// 定义类Player(玩家信息)
class Player
//bool red_turn;
char color;
int noOfPieces;
int noOf_movable;
//Checkerpiece *pieces[12];
Player(char color);
bool lose();
char playercolor();
// 成员函数的实现
Player::Player(char color0)
color = color0;
noOfPieces = 12;
noOf_movable = 12;
bool Player::lose()
return noOfPieces*noOf_movable ==0; // 没有棋子或所有棋子不可动则表示输了
char Player::playercolor()
return color;
// 定义了Board类(棋盘)
class Board
Checkerpiece matrix[8][8];
void disPlayMatrix();
char getmatrix(int x,int y);
bool getKingship(int x,int y);
bool setKingship(int x,int y);
void setPosition(int crrentX,int crrentY,int nextX,int nextY);
void capture(int x,int y);
bool move(Player p);
int readX();
int readY();
bool simplymove(int currentX,int currentY,int nextX,int nextY);
bool jump(int currentX,int currentY,int nextX,int nextY);
// 初始化Board的成员
for(int i =0;i<8;i++)
for(int j =0;j<8;j++)
matrix [i][j].InitCheckerpiece(' ',i,j);
for(int k =0;k<8;k+=2)
matrix [0][k]=Checkerpiece('r',0,k);
matrix [1][k+1]=Checkerpiece('r',1,k);
matrix [2][k]=Checkerpiece('r',2,k);
matrix [5][k+1]=Checkerpiece('b',5,k);
matrix [6][k]=Checkerpiece('b',6,k);
matrix [7][k+1]=Checkerpiece('b',7,k);
void Board::disPlayMatrix()
//Checkerpiece *matrix4print [8][8];
cout<<" a b c d e f g h"< for(int i =0;i<8;i++) { cout<
for(int j =0;j<8;j++) { //*matrix4print [i][j]=*matrix[i][j]; //cout<< *matrix4print[i][j].getColor()<<'|'; Checkerpiece cp =matrix [i][j]; cout<< cp.getColor()<<'|'; } cout< } } char Board::getmatrix(int x,int y) { Checkerpiece cp = matrix [x][y]; return cp.getColor(); } bool Board::getKingship(int x,int y) { Checkerpiece cp = matrix [x][y]; return cp.ishimking(); } bool Board::setKingship(int x,int y) { Checkerpiece cp = matrix [x][y]; return; } void Board::setPosition(int currentX,int currentY,int nextX,int nextY) { //Checkerpiece oldP = char color = getmatrix(currentX,currentY); matrix[currentX][currentY].InitCheckerpiece(' ',currentX,currentY ); matrix[nextX][nextY].InitCheckerpiece(color,currentX,currentY ); } void Board::capture(int x,int y) { matrix[x][y].InitCheckerpiece(' ',x,y); } bool Board::simplymove(int currentX,int currentY,int nextX,int nextY) { bool Kingship = getKingship(currentX,currentY); char pcolor = getmatrix(currentX,currentY); if((Kingship==false)&&((nextX cout<<"Not king! You are not allowed to move backfarward!"< else { setPosition(currentX,currentY,nextX,nextY); if((nextX ==0&&pcolor =='b')||(nextX ==7&&pcolor=='r')) setKingship(nextX,nextY); } return(getmatrix(currentX,currentY)!=pcolor); } bool Board::jump(int currentX,int currentY,int nextX,int nextY) { bool Kingship = getKingship(currentX,currentY); char pcolor = getmatrix(currentX,currentY); int midX = (currentX+nextY)/2; int midY = (currentY+nextY)/2; if((Kingship==false)&&((nextX cout<<"Not king! You are not allowed to move backfarward!"< else { setPosition(currentX,currentY,nextX,nextY); capture(midX,midY); if((nextX ==0&&pcolor =='b')||(nextX ==7&&pcolor=='r')) setKingship(nextX,nextY); } return(getmatrix(currentX,currentY)!=pcolor); } int Board::readX() { int row; cout<<"Enter a number from 1-8 to choose row :"; cin>>row; return row-1; } int Board::readY() { char letter; int column; cout<<"Enter a letter from a-h to choose column: "; cin>>letter; switch (letter) { case 'a': column = 0; break; case 'b': column = 1; break; case 'c': column = 2; break; case 'd': column = 3; break; case 'e': column = 4; break; case 'f': column = 5; break; case 'g': column = 6; break; case 'h': column = 7; break; default : column = 8; } return column; } bool Board::move(Player p) { disPlayMatrix(); char playerid = p.playercolor(); cout< int currentX = readX(); int currentY = readY(); if(getmatrix(currentX,currentY)!=playerid) cout<<"No expected piece at the position you entered!"< else { cout<<"Enter the position you'd like to move to: "< int nextX =readX(); int nextY =readY(); if(nextY==8||nextX<0||nextX>7) { cout<<"Don't be daughty, you can't move out of the board,dead or alive."< } else if(getmatrix(nextX,nextY) !=' ') cout<<"The position is occupid!"< else { if(abs(currentX-nextX)==1&&abs(currentY-nextY)==1) { return simplymove(currentX,currentY,nextX,nextY); } else if(abs(currentX-nextX)==2&&abs(currentY-nextY)==2) { return jump(currentX,currentY,nextX,nextY); } else { cout<<"Not a valid move!"< } } } return false; } int main() { Board checkergame; Player red('r'); Player black('b'); checkergame.move(red); bool red_turn = true; bool turntaking; while(!red.lose()&&!black.lose()) { if(red_turn==true) { turntaking = checkergame.move(red); red_turn = red_turn&&turntaking; } else { turntaking = checkergame.move(black); red_turn = turntaking; } } return 0; }
*matrix[i][j] = Checkerpiece(...);
matrix[i][j] = new Checkerpiece(...);
Checkerpiece matrix[8][8];
把类似:*matrix [i][j] = Checkerpiece(' ',i,j);
改成matrix [i][j] = Checkerpiece(' ',i,j);
char Board::getmatrix(int x,int y){
Checkerpiece cp = *matrix [x][y];
return cp.getColor();
char Board::getmatrix(int x,int y){
return matrix [x][y].getColor();
using namespace std;
class Checkerpiece{
char color; // to distinct different players
int x;
int y ; //: the coordinate of the piece .
bool selected; // : whether the piece is selected to be moved
bool isKing; //whether the piece reach the end of the board
//bool hasEnemy; // : whether the piece has a enemy piece around it
//Board livespace;
Checkerpiece():color(' '),x(0),y(0),selected(false),isKing(false){};
Checkerpiece(char color,int x,int y);
int getX();
int getY();
char getColor();
bool ishimking();
void select();
void unselect();
bool crown();
//bool movable();
//bool move(int nextX,int nextY,Board& checkerboard);
//bool simplymove(int nextX,int nextY,Board& checkerboard);
//bool jump(int nextX,int nextY,Board& checkerboard);
//bool isenemy(Checkerpiece cp);
Checkerpiece::Checkerpiece(char color0,int x0,int y0){
color = color0;
x = x0;
y = y0;
int Checkerpiece::getX(){
return x;
int Checkerpiece::getY(){
return y;
char Checkerpiece::getColor(){
return color;
bool Checkerpiece::ishimking(){
return isKing;
void Checkerpiece::select(){
selected = true;
void Checkerpiece::unselect(){
selected = false;
bool Checkerpiece::crown(){
return isKing = true;
class Player{
//bool red_turn;
char color;
int noOfPieces;
int noOf_movable;
//Checkerpiece *pieces[12];
Player(char color);
bool lose();
char playercolor();
Player::Player(char color0){
color = color0;
noOfPieces = 12;
noOf_movable = 12;
bool Player::lose(){
return noOfPieces*noOf_movable ==0;
char Player::playercolor(){
return color;
class Board{
Checkerpiece matrix[8][8];
void disPlayMatrix();
char getmatrix(int x,int y);
bool getKingship(int x,int y);
bool setKingship(int x,int y);
void setPosition(int crrentX,int crrentY,int nextX,int nextY);
void capture(int x,int y);
bool move(Player p);
int readX();
int readY();
bool simplymove(int currentX,int currentY,int nextX,int nextY);
bool jump(int currentX,int currentY,int nextX,int nextY);
for(int i =0;i<8;i++)
for(int j =0;j<8;j++)
matrix [i][j] = Checkerpiece(' ',i,j);
for(int k =0;k<8;k+=2){
matrix [0][k]=Checkerpiece('r',0,k);
matrix [1][k+1]=Checkerpiece('r',1,k);
matrix [2][k]=Checkerpiece('r',2,k);
matrix [5][k+1]=Checkerpiece('b',5,k);
matrix [6][k]=Checkerpiece('b',6,k);
matrix [7][k+1]=Checkerpiece('b',7,k);
void Board::disPlayMatrix(){
//Checkerpiece *matrix4print [8][8];
cout<<" a b c d e f g h"<
cout< for(int j =0;j<8;j++){
//*matrix4print [i][j]=*matrix[i][j];
//cout<< *matrix4print[i][j].getColor()<<'|';
Checkerpiece cp =matrix [i][j];
cout<< cp.getColor()<<'|';
char Board::getmatrix(int x,int y){
Checkerpiece cp = matrix [x][y];
return cp.getColor();
bool Board::getKingship(int x,int y){
Checkerpiece cp = matrix [x][y];
return cp.ishimking();
bool Board::setKingship(int x,int y){
Checkerpiece cp = matrix [x][y];
void Board::setPosition(int currentX,int currentY,int nextX,int nextY){
//Checkerpiece oldP =
char color = getmatrix(currentX,currentY);
matrix[currentX][currentY] = Checkerpiece(' ',currentX,currentY );
matrix[nextX][nextY] = Checkerpiece(color,currentX,currentY );
void Board::capture(int x,int y){
matrix[x][y] = Checkerpiece(' ',x,y);
bool Board::simplymove(int currentX,int currentY,int nextX,int nextY){
bool Kingship = getKingship(currentX,currentY);
char pcolor = getmatrix(currentX,currentY);
cout<<"Not king! You are not allowed to move backfarward!"<
if((nextX ==0&&pcolor =='b')||(nextX ==7&&pcolor=='r'))
bool Board::jump(int currentX,int currentY,int nextX,int nextY){
bool Kingship = getKingship(currentX,currentY);
char pcolor = getmatrix(currentX,currentY);
int midX = (currentX+nextY)/2;
int midY = (currentY+nextY)/2;
cout<<"Not king! You are not allowed to move backfarward!"<
if((nextX ==0&&pcolor =='b')||(nextX ==7&&pcolor=='r'))
int Board::readX(){
int row;
cout<<"Enter a number from 1-8 to choose row :";
return row-1;
int Board::readY(){
char letter;
int column;
cout<<"Enter a letter from a-h to choose column: ";
switch (letter){
case 'a': column = 0;
case 'b': column = 1;
case 'c': column = 2;
case 'd': column = 3;
case 'e': column = 4;
case 'f': column = 5;
case 'g': column = 6;
case 'h': column = 7;
default : column = 8;
return column;
bool Board::move(Player p){
char playerid = p.playercolor();
int currentY = readY();
cout<<"No expected piece at the position you entered!"<
cout<<"Enter the position you'd like to move to: "<
int nextY =readY();
cout<<"Don't be daughty, you can't move out of the board,dead or alive."<
else if(getmatrix(nextX,nextY) !=' ')
cout<<"The position is occupid!"<
return simplymove(currentX,currentY,nextX,nextY);
else if(abs(currentX-nextX)==2&&abs(currentY-nextY)==2){
return jump(currentX,currentY,nextX,nextY);
cout<<"Not a valid move!"<
return false;
int main(){
Board checkergame;
Player red('r');
Player black('b');
bool red_turn = true;
bool turntaking;
turntaking = checkergame.move(red);
red_turn = red_turn&&turntaking;
turntaking = checkergame.move(black);
red_turn = turntaking;
return 0;