分院的题目不是固定的,而是随机抽取7道题,而且也没有固定的标准答案说是选择哪个选项必然可以进入某个学院。我和楼上的童鞋某些题选择的不一样,也进了拉院。选择时要着重考虑可以代表拉文克劳品质的选项:睿智、公正、精明、博学、 聪明、有远见、好奇心强,喜欢钻研等。
1 你最讨厌别人说你什么:答案有 胆小、自私、平庸、无知。 选无知
2 如果可以研制一种魔药,你希望它能给与人:友爱、智慧、能量、荣耀。 选智慧
星星/月亮? 黑色/白色?左边/右边? 硬币的正面/反面? 破晓/黄昏?河流/森林?
Good luck!
When you die what would you most like people to do when they hear your name?
Miss you and smile--Hufflepuff
Ask for more stories about your adventures--Gryffindor
Think in admiration of your achievements--Ravenclaw
I don’t care what people think about me, when after I’m dead it’s when I’m alive that matters—slytherin
Heads or tails?
Head 正面 -主导型人格的人
Tails 反面 — 听从或反馈他人行为的人
Stars or Moon?
Black or White?
Black –Slytherin/Ravenclaw
Dawn or Dusk?
Amortenia is a potion that smells of what attracts a person. Would you smell a crackling fire, new parchment, the sea?
Crackling fire—Gryffindor/slytherin
New parchment—Ravenclaw/Hufflepuff
The sea—Gryffindor
Once every century, the Flutterby Bush produces flowers that adapt their scent to attract the unwary. If it lured you, it would smell of:
The sea
Fresh parchment
Home --Hufflepuff
A crackling log fire
You are walking along and you reach a crossroad one path leads to the sea, one through a forest and a third to a castle. Which path would you choose?
If you could create a new potion that would give you one thing what would you choose?
If there was a fire and merlin’s book of spells, 1000 years of student record, and a nearly perfected cure for dragonpox were in danger of being destroyed in which order would you choose to save these objects?
Books, Records, Dragonpox—Ravenclaw
Dragonpox, books, records—Slytherin/Ravenclaw
Books, Dragonpox, Records—Ravenclaw/Slytherin
What do you find hardest to deal with?
* boredom
* cold
* hunger
* loneliness
* being ignored
What are you most excited to learn about at Hogwarts?
* Apparition
* Everything magic --Ravenclaw
* Transfiguration
* Flying brooms -- Gryffindor
* Hexes and curses -- Slytherin
* Magical creatures
* Exploring the castle -- Gryffindor
One of you house mates has cheated in a Hogwarts exam by using a self-spelling quill. Now he has come to top of the class in charms, beating you into second place. Professor Flitwick is suspicious of what happened. He draws you to one side after his lesson and asks you whether or not your classmate used a forbidden quill. What do you do?
-Lie and say you don’t know (but hope that somebody else tells Professor Flitwick the truth.)
-Tell Professor Flitwick that he ought to ask your classmate (and resolve to tell your classmate that if he doesn’t tell the truth, you will.)
-Tell Professor Flitwick the truth. If your classmate is prepared to win by cheating, he deserves to be found out. Also, as you are both in the same house, any points he loses will be regained by you, for coming first in his place.
-You would not wait to be asked to tell Professor Flitwick the truth. If you knew that somebody was using a forbidden quill, you would tell the teacher before the exam started.
What do you most want to be known as?
* The good -- Hufflepuff/Gryffindor
* The wise -- Ravenclaw
* The kind -- Hufflepuff
* The great -- Gryffindor/Slytherin
What power would you like to have?
-Super Strength -- Slytherin
-The ability to change the past -- Slytherin
-The ability to change your appearance at will
-Mind Reading
-The ability to talk to animals
Which road tempts you the most?
-The sunny, grassy lane
-The Narrow dark lantern lit alley
-The twisting leaf-strewn path in the woods
-The cobbled street lined with ancient buildings
Four boxes are placed before you. Which do you open?
-The small tortoiseshell box, embellished with gold, inside which some small creature seems to be squeaking
-The gleaming jet black box with a silver lock and key, marked with a mysterious rune that you know to be the mark of Merlin
-The ornate golden casket, standing on clawed feet, whose inscription warms that both secret knowledge and unbearable temptation lie within
-The small pewter box, unassuming and plain, with a scratched message upon it that reads ‘I only open for the worthy’
Four goblets are placed in front of you, which would you choose to drink?
-Foaming, silvery liquid that sparkles as though containing ground diamonds
-Smooth, thick purple drink that smells of chocolate and plums
-Golden liquid, which makes sun spots dance around the room
-Mysterious black liquid, which gives the drinker strange visions
You are walking along and hear a sound. What do you do?
-Tread cautiously with you hand on your wand
-Retreat and wait for the source of the sound to reveal itself while remembering defensive spells --Slytherin/Ravenclaw
-Seek out the source of the sound -- Gryffindor
Which would you rather be?
-Liked -- Gryffindor/Hufflepuff
-Imitated -- Ravenclaw
-Praised -- Slytherin/Gryffindor
-Envied -- Slytherin/Ravenclaw
-Feared -- Slytherin
-Trusted -- Hufflepuff
A muggle confronts you and says that they are sure you are a witch or wizard. Do you:
-Ask what makes them think so?------ Ravenclaw 好奇
-Agree and walk away, leaving them wondering about the truth?
-Say yes and tell them you’ll jinx them if they don’t leave? ------Slytherin
-Tell them you think perhaps they need to call the mental hospital?
Which magical creatures would you most like to study?
You and your friends need to cross a bridge guarded by a river troll. He insists that one of you fight him before you can cross. What do you do?
Confuse the troll -- Ravenclaw 运用智慧策略诱敌
Have all 3 of you fight (without informing the troll) -- Slytherin 利用联合力量
Volunteer to fight -- Gryffindor 勇敢大无畏
Draw lots to see who will fight -- Hufflepuff 抽签决定 公平公正