刘邦(16张)家、卓越的军事家和指挥家。 战国时的魏安釐王21年·周赧王59年·秦昭襄王51年乙巳岁,即公元前256年生于楚国泗水郡(即汉“沛郡”)丰邑县中阳里家中,父母为刘太公(据野史记载名为:刘煓,字执嘉)和刘媪(野史记载名为:王含始),刘邦有两位哥哥、一位姐姐和一个弟弟(《史记》记载:大哥刘伯。二哥刘仲,汉朝建立后改名刘喜。四弟刘交。)刘邦为老三,故名字为季,人称刘季。 公元前221年庚辰岁,秦国统一六国,建立强大的秦帝国,之后刘邦试吏为秦国泗水郡的泗水亭长。 公元前209年楚人陈胜、吴广在起义,刘邦在楚故地沛县响应,参与秦末的推翻暴秦行动。公元前206年刘邦首先进入关中要地,秦王子婴请降,秦国灭亡。被西楚霸王项羽封为汉王,之后是四年零三个月楚汉之争,消灭割据势力,统一中国,建立汉朝。于二月初三甲午日(即公元前202年2月28日)在定陶即皇帝位,建都洛阳,高祖三年再迁都长安(今陕西省西安)。
Liu bang for the han dynasty founding emperor, han ethnic han culture and the great Portland, one of China's history of outstanding statesmen, strategy
Liu bang (16 zhang) home, excellent strategist and conductor. When the king of the warring states period to WeiAn 21 years ZhouNan · king 59 years QinZhaoXiang · king 51 years b have years old, namely 256 BC was born in surabaya chu county (namely han "pei county") FengYi ZhongYang county in the home, the parents for LiuTaiGong (according to unofficial history records, the word 煓 liu called: with fine) and liu Ao (unofficial history records containing beginning name: the king), LiuBangYou two brother, a sister and a brother (" the historical records "account: elder brother LiuBo. Two elder brother liu zhongkai, han dynasty was set up LiuXi. Four brother liu /.) Liu bang for old three, the name for the season, LiuJi said. In 221 BC GengChen years old, qin dynasty unified six, build a powerful empire qin, liu bang try after qin surabaya county for collectors TingChang surabaya. In 209 BC, WuGuang ChenSheng Truman in the uprising, liu2 bang in chu pastly peixian county response, participate in the overthrow of the qin dynasty at the end of the action. In 206 BC, liu bang into the area and the first point, qin2 wang2 son baby lower it, qin dynasty perish. Overlord xiang xiang is a HanWang, is four years after three months in ChuHanZhiZheng, eliminated separatism forces, the unification of China, set up the han dynasty. On February 3, the sino-japanese (namely the February 28, 202) in dingtao namely emperor, founded luoyang, GaoZu three years to move capital changan (in shaanxi province xian).
Liu bang (eight) two years (206 B.C.-202 B.C. in February in February in HanWang a, and in 202 BC in February-195 BC may in emperor), after from was, ZhuHouWang putting down the side of liu bang rebellion, consolidate the united situation, one side and the rest is working out rules and regulations of the loose policy, running the country, rapid recovery production economic development, not only the people's, condensed the comfort of, also contributed to the han dynasty generous paved cultural basis. Can say that China's real of liu bang splintering the united, but also gradually collapse agglutinate people up. He is the unity of the han nationality of China's unity, strong, the protection of the han culture have the decisive contribution to carry forward. After his death, writings.finally number is "tall emperor", TaiZu temple.