Just a moment for the calendar as well as the data. which my colleague are busy tidying up.
What we want to know are just as follows:
1.Would you please let us know the date for the activities to be held in Beijing that follow those in Shanghai on May22
2. Just send us a copy of a budget for the activities held last year and this year in Beijing along with a monthly financial statement (by email)
请及时采纳,不懂继续问( 天天在线 )
(*^__^*) 祝学习进步! 谢谢!
I and my collegues are working on the agenda and other materials you request. So please wait a moment.
In addition, there are three questions we need to know:
1. What is the date of the activities in Bejing after that in Shanghai on May. 22?
2. Could you please email your budget for the activities in Beijing in last year and this year to us?
3. Could you please email your monthly financial statements to us?
My colleague are working on the schedule and information you want, please wait.
We have three questions:
1. After the event in Shanghai ending on May 22nd, when is the event in Beijing going to be?
2. Pleae email us the the budget for the event in Beijing this year and last year.
3. Please also email us our monthly financial report.
please wait for the schedul and material you need ,my colleagues are finishing
we want to know the following three questions:
first ,may 22th after the activity holding in shanghai ,what is the date of beijing activity?
secongd,please put the last year and this year's budget of beijing activities to us .(sending with email)
third .please also send our monthly statement of financial position to us .
We want to know the following three questions:
1. When will the activity in Beijing be held after the activity in Shanghai on May 22?
2. Please email us the budget of the Beijing activity held last year and this year.
3. Please also email us a copy of our monthly statement of financial position.