
2025-01-06 05:24:24

莎拉.布莱曼(Sarah Brightman)生于1960年,3岁开始习舞,10年后首度参与戏剧演出,处女作是查尔斯.史卓斯(Charles Strouse)的作品“I and Albert”。1976年,布莱曼首度在电视萤幕上曝光,在影集“Pan's People”里面担任舞者,之后又担任流行乐团Hot Gossip的主唱;1978年,Hot Gossip的作品“I Lost My Heart to a Satrship Trooper”还登上英国流行排行榜第一名。

1981年,莎拉.布莱曼20岁的时候,首度参加安德鲁.洛伊.韦伯(Andrew Lloyd Webber)的戏剧演出,担纲歌舞剧“猫”中的Jemima一角。自此,布莱曼和韦伯的生命开始有了更多交集,不过,韦伯第一次注意到她那飘邈细致的女高音音色,是在史卓斯的作品“夜莺”(Nightingale)里。1984年,韦伯与第一任妻子离婚,迎娶了布莱曼。他们的婚姻关系一直维持到1990年,其间,布莱曼成功诠释了“安魂曲”(Requiem)中的女高音,以及“歌剧魅影”(Phantom of the Opera)中的克莉丝汀(Christine),并陆续灌录了《天籁森林》(The Tree That Grow So High)和《遗忘的歌声》(The Song That Got Away)两张专辑;而这些让布莱曼备受瞩目的百老汇经典,实际上都是由韦伯为她量身订做的,才貌兼备的女高音和音乐剧之王,写下了百老汇的一段精采历史。

韦伯写下“安魂曲”这部作品,用来悼慰世界各地因战争而牺牲的亡魂。1985年年初,莎拉.布莱曼与三大男高音之一的多明哥(Placido Domingo)合作贡献“安魂曲”的首演,普遍受到各界好评,剧中的一首“求主垂怜”(Pie Jesu)并且在当年成为告示牌排行榜的榜首,可以说是整部作品中最著名的一首歌曲。

尽管布莱曼和韦伯终究离异,但合作关系并未因此间断。布莱曼不但在世界各地为韦伯进行巡回演出,并且在纽约、伦敦与旧金山等地演出韦伯的作品“爱的观点”(Aspects of Love),诠释萝丝(Rose)一角。1992年,她与三大男高音之一的卡列拉斯(Jose Carreras)一起演唱韦伯为巴塞隆纳奥运所写的主题曲“Amigos Para Siempre”,世界各地电视萤幕前的几千万名观众都目睹了此一精采演出。然而,此时莎拉.布莱曼的生命与演艺事业也即将发生关键性的转变:她与原来的大唱片公司终止合约,只身前往美国洛杉矶,企图展开自己在音乐剧以外的独唱事业。

随着此一关键性转变而发生的,是一连串的全新尝试。她在义大利寻觅声乐名师来改造她那原本比较接近“美声唱法”(bel canto)的演唱风格,以期回归到自己的古典音乐素养与背景。另一个改变则是德国制作人法兰克.彼得森(Frank Peterson)所带来的,他以其擅长的电子音乐为莎拉.布莱曼的作品注入前所未有的音乐元素--而这也是他为德国新世纪乐团“谜”(Enigma)制作专辑时最为人所熟知的音乐类型。彼得森为她的美声提供了一个华丽浪漫、让人充满幻想的音乐背景,因此才有93年的《水》(Dive)与95年的《飞》(Fly)等两张专辑的问世。

莎拉.布莱曼说:“我对于自己多变的声音表情,感到极为自然,这种表演可以说是出于自己的本能。这让我觉得很有成就感。我感到所有的事物都能合而为一:我的声音、我所演唱的音乐类型、我自己的真实面、以及人们对我的印象,这一切都极为协调。过去我曾经试图为自己寻找一个定位,一种属于我自己的音乐风格。最后,我真的找到了。”Angel唱片公司为莎拉.布莱曼出过《永志不渝》(Time to Say Goodbye)、《重回失乐园》(EDEN)与《月光女神》(La Luna)等三张重要的专辑,制作人都是法兰克.彼得森。这些作品也反映出莎拉.布莱曼的艺术眼光,以及她为了转型而付出的努力。当时她离开了如日中天的音乐剧事业,而她根本已是韦伯音乐剧中许多角色的代名词;经过了挣扎与自我的重新定位,布莱曼成功地走出自己的路。


Biography for
Sarah Brightman

5' 5½" (1.66 m)

Mini biography
Sarah Brightman was born near London, England in 1960. She was a workaholic from an early age, never wasting a minute of free time. Straight from school, she went to ballet lessons. When she got home at eight o'clock, she went to bed. She got up at four in the morning to do her homework and then began the schedule all over again. When she was a teenager she decided to try her hand, or her vocals, at singing. In 1978, she released the single, "I Lost My Heart To A Starship Trooper" and it became an instant disco hit. In 1981, she tried out for a role in an up-and-coming musical, ‘Cats’. It was there that she met her soul mate and future husband, Andrew Lloyd Webber. They were married in 1982, and she went on to star in a number of his shows, particularly ‘The Phantom of the Opera’, in which the role of Christine was written for her. Sarah gained recognition in the London theatre scene, but it was not the kind she wanted. People got the notion that the only push behind her success was that she was Mrs. Andrew Lloyd Webber.

A far too career-orientated Sarah decided the only way to get the recognition she deserved was to go out and gain it for herself. She divorced Lloyd Webber in 1990, but despite this, they are still the best of friends. In 1991, she met Frank Peterson. He became her producer, leading her to huge success with Albums such as Dive (1993), Fly (1995) Timeless/Time To Say Goodbye (1997), Eden (1998), and La Luna (2000). Her style and vocal ability range from upbeat pop songs to opera arias, all of which are performed beautifully. Because of Sarah's hard work and determination, her name and voice are known world wide. She is truly an artist.


IMDb mini-biography by
John Deschene

Andrew Lloyd Webber (22 March 1984 - June 1990) (divorced)
Andrew Graham-Stewart (1978 - September 1983) (divorced)


Is the oldest of six children.

Album, "Harem", was released in March of 2003.

Attended the same school as actor Nigel Havers.

Composer (and then soon to be husband), Andrew Lloyd Webber, originally wrote the famous Phantom Of The Opera song "The Music Of The Night" for Sarah. It was originally titled "Married Man" with lyrics by British director Trevor Nunn, and sung at Lloyd Webber's yearly festival in the early 80s. At the time of writing and performing it, Lloyd Webber was still married to his first wife... what a hint!

Is still friends with her former "The Phantom of the Opera" stage co-star, Michael Crawford.

