1、The teacher can not take it for granted that students will do their homeworks for certain.
2、Someone always takes other's heart and effort for granted.
3、Sorry,I didn't introduce you to Kaimit(名字我不知道对不对),taking it for granted that you knew each other.
1、The salesman told me that this TV was new,and I should(居然,竟然)be silly enough to believe him.
2、There is enough room that can hold 100 persons.
3、She is kind enough to lend the book to me.
1.Teachers could not take it for granted that students will do their assignment for certain.
2.Some people always take others' effort and endeavor for granted.
3.I'm sorry. I didn't introduce you to Kammit beacuse I took it for granted that you've known each other.
1.That sales assisstant told me that this watch is new and I should be foolish enough to believe him.
2 There is enough room to hold 100 people.
3 She is kind enough to lend me her book.
The teacher doesn't take it for granted that the students must do their homeworks.
1.The teacher should not take it for granted that students will do their homework.
2.There are some people who constantly take others' hard work and contribution for granted.
3.I am terribly sorry that I did not introduce you to Kemit. I just took it for granted that you had already known each other.
1. I was stupid enough to believe that this television was new when I was told by the salesman.
2.There is room enough to accomodate a hundred people.
3.She is nice enough to lend the book to me.