
2025-01-01 15:51:14

Luo town, located in qianwei county northeast, away from leshan, 60 km. Ancient town street cool hall street, commonly known as "boat street", was built in the Ming dynasty (1628) of the first year of frame. Today, the old street has kept some surviving of the humanities style of old sichuan culture in the era of Ming and qing dynasties. Exchange conference of international trade in guangzhou in 1983, sichuan province, southwest of architectural design institute on the aerial photograph "boat street" luo graphics, as a result, the graphics in the bid by Australia attending parties selected, both sides in April when a draft of the agreement. Soon, from Japan, Thailand, Hong Kong and other eight countries and regions of investors "China city co., LTD." in Australia, 24 km north of Melbourne in Australia, the city started to invest in the construction to luo "boat street" as the female parent of the "China town", the city covers an area of nine hectares, construction area of about 30000 square meters. In march of this year, officials in the United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization to luo was investigated. South suburb of chengdu shiyang field bus, every day have class to luo of passenger cars.罗城古镇,位于犍为县东北部,距乐山市 60公里。古镇主街凉厅街俗称“船形街”,始建于明代崇桢元年( 1628年)。时至今日,这条幸存下来的老街仍保留着部分明清时代老四川文化的人文风貌。1983年在广州国际贸易交流会上,四川省西南建筑设计院展出了空中俯拍到的罗城“船形街”图形,结果该图形在投标中被澳大利亚参会方选中,双方于当年四月草签了协议。不久,由日本、泰国、香港等 8个国家和地区投资者组成的澳大利亚“中国城股份有限公司”,在澳大利亚墨尔本市 24公里处的洛克斯市,开始投资建设以罗城“船形街”为母本的“中国城”,该城占地 9公顷,建筑面积约 3万平方米。今年 3月,联合国教科文组织的官员对罗城进行了考察。成都南郊的石羊场客运站,每天有数班发往罗城的客车。

