How many?
【the Subject】 Unit 3 How many?
【object of teaching】 Grade Three Primary
【course content】 to learn English numbers 16 — 20.
【Teaching aims】 learn to write and speak numbers 16 — 20 in English
【Teaching Procedures】
Step one : Warm-up
2.Sing the song“one, two, three, four”. 鼓励学生张口试唱,唱歌的同时让学生加上动作,表演歌曲。
Step two: Revision.
1.Review the numbers 1-15.
1)Number off: let students call off from 16-20 in English. And if a student registration before 15, then the next student will start from 1 again.
2)Play a guessing game:Monkey Guess
Aims:Consolidate the pronunciation of the numbers。
Game play:Students guess what’s the number when teacher speakout the the initial letter.
T: Now, let's play a game. Please guess, what's the number on the card? If you're right, I will give you the card. I will say the first letter of the word.
T: “T”.
S1: Two!
T: No, try again, please.
S2: Three!
T: Yes, you're right! Here you are!
Then teacher gives the card to the student as a reward, and lead all the students read together. In this way, guessing out the rest numbers so as to consolidate the numbers’ learning.
2.Practicing the sentence pattern “How many … can you see? I can see…”和“How many… do you have? I have…”
Step three:Relaxation
老师拿出用纸折叠的十支小蜡烛分别套在十支手指上,放录音“ten little candles dance”,边唱十个手指边跟着音乐跳,鼓励同学们跟着老师一起做。
One little two little three little candles
four little five little six little candles
seven little eight little nine little candles
ten little candles dance.
Step four:Presentation
1、After listening the song, teacher asks:how many candles can you see? Students answer:ten. (接着屏幕上又跳出6支蜡烛。) Teacher asks :how many candles can you see now? can you answer according to the pronunciation of the word fourteen? (你能根据fourteen的发音来回答吗?给学生一点提示) some students answer: sixteen. (教师点击课件,屏幕上跳出sixteen这个单词,并伴有拍手声) Teacher: great! You are right. Sixteen, we can see sixteen candles now. This is for you.(奖励答对的学生)guiding the students to answer:six and ten is sixteen. 教师出示词卡带读,一小组开火车读。教师注意纠正发音。
2、Teacher take out a ball and say:Look! What’s this? Oh, it’s a ball. i can bounce the ball. Now, I will bounce it, please count! 教师拍球,学生数数,数到20,故意把球拍丢了。问学生:How many times did i bounce? 教学twenty。教师出示词卡带读,学生开火车读,教师注意纠正发音。
Step five: Practice
1.Students repeat the words of numbers according the record.
2、Teacher say: “Now we have sang and spoke a lot, I’m thirsty, so I want to eat an apple. ” Then draw an apple on the blackboard, and ask: “What do you want to eat or have? Come here and draw it!”Then students come to the blackboard to draw some things, such as ball, knife, boat, banana, and so on.一遍画老师一遍问:“How many things can you see on the blackboard?”把每个数字都练习到。
Step six: Consolidation and Extension.
Headwork (动脑筋): How old are they?
Tom, Tim, Mary and Ann are brothers and sisters. I don’t know how old each of them(他们中的每一个)is. I only know, one is 18, and one is 15. One of(…其中之一)the boys is 16, and one of the girls is 17. I also know, Tom is older than(比…年龄大)Mary, but Ann isn’t.
Answer the questions:
1. How old is Ann?
2. How old is Tom?
3. How old is Tim?
4. How old is Mary?
Step seven: Homework
Learn to sing the song “one, two, three, four”.
Step eight: Feedback
Are you happy today, children?
(Some children give the answer)
----- I can say sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty!
----- I play some games!