Tae Kwon Do or Taekwondo, Korean martial art, known for its dramatic flying and spinning kicks. The name comes from the Korean words tae (foot, or kick), kwon (fist, or punch), and do (art, or way of life) and literally means “the art of hand and foot fighting.”
Students learn the fundamentals of tae kwon do through choreographed sequences of combative moves, the breaking of boards or other materials, and two-person controlled sparring. They also receive instruction in principles such as courtesy, integrity, perseverance, and self-control. Practitioners wear a white, loose-fitting uniform known as a dobok, tied at the waist with a colored belt that indicates rank. The ranking system is divided into ten kup (pupil) levels and nine dan (black belt, or expert) levels. At competitions, participants are judged by how well they perform the choreographed sequences, by their accuracy in breaking boards, and by their skill in sparring contests.
The roots of tae kwon do go back thousands of years. In 1955 a number of similar schools of martial arts were merged, and the resulting style was named tae kwon do. An important figure in this effort was Choi Hong Hi, a Korean general who worked to combine a traditional Korean foot-fighting technique called tae kyon with Japanese karate. General Choi established the International Taekwon-Do Federation (ITF) in 1966.
Another organization, the World Taekwondo Federation (WTF), was created in 1973. The WTF gradually became recognized as the leading international organization for tae kwon do, and under its guidance tae kwon do became an official medal sport at the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney, Australia
Is Taekwondo dangerous?
Although WTF Taekwondo is a full contact sport where it is allowed to kick to the head (throwing punches to the head are not allowed), it is not very dangerous to practice Taekwondo. During competition, full protection is used to protect the competitors. To avoid head injuries, a competitor is not allowed to participate in a competition for three months if one was knocked out by a kick to the head. If the same incident happens again after these three months, you're not allowed to participate for half a year. Another K.O. to the head after this half year period results in a permanent exclusion of competitions. ITF Taekwondo is so-called semi-contact. It is not allowed to attack the head with full force. However, it is allowed to throw punches to the head, by using the so-called "killing-blow", stop just an inch before the target. To avoid injuries, ITF uses gloves at sparring-competition.
flying and spinning kicks 腾空、旋踢腿法
choreographed sequences of combative moves (武术)套路
breaking of boards 破板,(武术)功力测试
courtesy, integrity, perseverance, and self-control “礼义廉耻,克己复礼,百折不屈”
I am a strong sporter!(我是运动健儿!)