
2025-03-22 14:52:04

( 1) The deep-seated bedrock aquifer consists of massive limestone and dolomite.

( 2) Temperature of the thermal groundwater in the deep-seated carbonate aquifer occurring in this area ranges from 60℃ to 90℃.

( 3) Water is unusual in that the density of the solid phase,ice,is substantially lower than the density of the liquid phase,w ater.

( 4) The concentration of salinity of the groundwater in the Cambrian aquifer has been found to increase at a rate of about 15 mg / L each year.

( 5) The chemical compositions of the waters indicate that the Jurassic aquifers contain w aters of marine origin.

( 6) The thickness of the Pleistocene sandstone aquifer varies from a few meters at the inland boundary to 200 m or so at the coast.

( 7) Hydrogeologists constantly face the complex aquifer-aquitard system of heterogeneous and anisotropic formations rather than the idealized cases pictured in textbooks.

( 8) In some cases human activities can cause some of the elements listed as minor or trace constituents to occur as contaminants at concentration levels that are orders of magnitude above the normal ranges indicated in this table.

( 9) Bedrocks consisting of limestone,shale and sandstone of Paleozoic age occur below the unconsolidated glacial deposits.

( 10) Some trace constituents and dissolved gas occurring in groundwater are of important hydrologic and geochemical significance.

( 11) Porosity of a rock can range from zero or near zero to more than 60%.

( 12 ) Groundwater in the clastic aquifer in this area is characterized by high /large concentrations of Ca and Br and low concentrations of Mg and K.

( 13) Seasonal fluctuations in groundwater levels in this region are directly affected by seasonal changes in recharge from infiltration of precipitation.

( 14) The recession constant of spring discharge can be expressed using the following formula / equation.

( 15) The Sichuan Basin is underlain by strata ranging in age from Sinian to Cretaceous.

( 16) The stable isotopic compositions suggest that the Permian aquifer contain waters of meteoric origin.

( 17) The magnitude of the specific yield of unconsolidated sediments is controlled by both the depth of the initial groundw ater level and the speed w ith w hich the groundw ater level falls.

( 18) The porosity of a sedimentary rock will depend not only on particle shape and arrangement,but on diagenetic features that have affected the rock since deposition.

( 19 ) An aquiclude is defined as a saturated geologic formation that is incapable of transmitting significant quantities of w ater under ordinary field conditions.

( 20) Darcy's experiment shows that the specific discharge is directly proportional to the difference in hydraulic heads and inversely proportional to the length of flow.

( 21) Clastic aquifers in this area are capable of yielding low to moderate quantities of w ater to pumping w ells.

( 22) Monitoring data indicates that Cl concentrations in groundwater in that well have steadily increased since 1978.

( 23 ) The limestone aquifer underlying the sandstone has transmissivity ranging from 350 m2/ d to 450 m2/ d and hydraulic conductivity ranging from 20 m / d to 50 m / d.

( 24) The relationship between porosity and void ratio can be expressed as follows.

( 25) In addition,the specific yield of unconsolidated sediments is controlled by particle size.

( 26 ) Yield to the well tapping the limestone aquifer underlying the unconsolidated sediments of Quaternary age is as high as 3500 m3/ d.

( 27) Some of the groundwater samples taken from the surficial sandstone aquifer in the northern part of the basin are enriched in Na and Cl and depleted in Mg and SO4.

( 28) Brines in the limestone aquifer of the Middle Triassic Leikoupo Group in the Sichuan Basin are characterized by high / large concentrations of Ca and Sr,low concentrations of Mg and K,and lack of Ba.

( 29) Drilling data show that the Neogene unconsolidated sediments in the eastern part of that city are underlain by a limestone aquifer of 50 - 80 m in thickness.

( 30 ) Field work carried out in the coastal area near Beihai,Guangxi was funded cooperatively by the National Natural Science Foundation of China ( No. 40172087 ) and the Fund for Young Geologists from the Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources of China ( No. Qn979829) .

( 31) The Quaternary unconsolidated sediments overlying the carbonates of Palaeozoic age in the North China Plain are composed of interbedded silt and coarse sand w ith small quantities of gravel and scattered / sporadic lenses of clay.

( 32) Long periods of groundwater flow are often required for pollutants to be flushed from contaminated aquifers.

( 33) Landslides,earthquakes and land collapses have always been viewed as noticeable geological environmental problems.

( 34) Monitoring data indicates that the rate of land subsidence at the center of that city is as high as 30 cm per year.

( 35) According to Todd,stable hydrogen and oxygen isotopes occurring in groundwater are of important significance in studies of the origin of groundw ater.

( 36) In practice, this approach is not particularly effective because aquitard compressibilities in expansion have only about one-tenth the value they have in compression.

( 37) Field data suggests that the salt water front undergoes transient changes in position under the influence of seasonal replenishment patterns and resulting w ater-table oscillations.

( 38) The majority of groundwater samples taken from the deep-seated aquifer are enriched in Na,Ca and Cl and depleted in K and SO4.

( 39) Some unstable isotopes have such short half-lives that they are of no importance in studies of the origin and formation of natural w aters.

( 40) Seasonal fluctuations in water levels in all the observation wells can be interpreted by seasonal changes in precipitation of the study area.

( 41) Occurring above the Cambrian formation is a highly permeable thin to massive Ordovician limestone.

( 42) Little is known about the nature of the radioactive isotope36Cl occurring in natural groundw ater.

( 43) In reality,aquifer boundaries of the types discussed here are seldom vertical surfaces; usually they deviate from vertical surfaces to some extent,sometimes to a rather large extent.

( 44) The analytical two-dimensional solution for the problem of fresh water-salt water interface w ithout infiltration of precipitation w as studied previously by Verruijt in 1968.

( 45) Piezometric heads measured in the salt water zone change with time and have an important bearing on the location of the fresh w ater-salt w ater interface.

( 46) Whether the three exploitation scenarios proposed in this article are feasible depends on the infer-aquifer recharge from the Quaternary aquifer to the Ordovician limestone aquifer.

( 47) Groundwater plays an important role in generation of landslides,because pore pressure can reduce the effective shear strength on the potential sliding planes.

( 48) In the groundwater-induced subsidence sites,the aquifers are generally separated by aquitards of unconsolidated or poorly-consolidated,high-compressibility clays.

( 49 ) According to the consolidation theory,the drainage process in the aquitards is accompanied by the compaction of the aquitards. It results in reduction of the thickness of the aquitards and leads to land subsidence.

( 50) As confirmed by field observation and numerical modeling,it is necessary for us to consider dispersion effect and transient flow patterns of groundw ater in study of saltw ater front.