
2025-03-19 02:08:35

迈克尔·戴尔(Michael Dell),戴尔公司董事会主席。 1965年出生于休斯敦〈一支著名的NBA球队(休斯敦火箭队)的所在地〉,他的父亲是一位牙医,母亲是一个经纪人。 1973年,当时还只有8岁的迈克·戴尔看到了一则广告,说经过一种专门考试,就可以免除不必要的环节,直接拿到高中毕业文凭。小戴尔马上就拿起电话申请,满怀希望能多快好省地解决自己的文凭问题,直接进入大学。当然,这件想一步登天的好事最后成了戴尔身上的一个大笑话,不过,这次经历却深深影响了他的日后商业操作理念。


Michael Dell (迈克尔·戴尔), Dell company chairman of the board of directors. Born in Houston in 1965 ' a famous NBA teams (休斯敦火箭队) location ', his father is a dentist, mother is a broker. In 1973, at that time was only 8 years old Mike Dell saw an advertisement, said that after a special examination, you can remove unnecessary link, directly get a high school diploma. Little Dell immediately pick up the phone application, with the hope to economically and efficiently to solve their own diplomas, directly into the university. Of course, this wants to attain the highest level in one step. Finally became Dell was a big joke, however, this experience has influenced his concept of the future business operations.