没有营业时间段可以修改,系统提示 System hint:There is no business time segment available for modification.
不分部门打印 Printing Service for All Departments
分部门打印 Printing Service by Departments
没有符合条件的记录 No matching record found.
开始时间不能大于结束时间,请重新输入。 Error: Beginning time cannot be bigger than ending time. Please re-enter.
纠错账户流水显示 Display of Errors
查询统计 total/ statistics
流水号 order/Serial number/sequence id
押金增加额 Addition in Deposit
交易人次 Number of People in Transaction
流水查询 Trading Search
实时流水查询 Real-time trading Search
联机帮助 Online Help
不包括下级单位 Subordinate Offices not Included
包括下级单位 Subordinate Offices Included
包括全部下级单位 All Subordinate Offices Included
临界值 Threshold/Critical Value
高级查询 advanced search
普通查询 search
开户配卡 Open a bank account with card
圈提金额 the amount of redeposit/debit for unload(圈提)
圈存冲正 reverse redepositing /credit for load(圈存)/charge it correct(冲正)
圈存补作 redepositing supplements
卡片充值 Card recharge
系统汇总 Compile
存款冲正 reverse of deposit
设查询天数 Set inquiry days
补作 Redepositing supplements
账务处理 Account service management
装出纳机,服务机支持过程 Install accounting machine and server machine supporting process
汇总统计过程 collecting statistics process
后台业务过程 Backstage operation
系统汇总任务 System compile duty
持卡人类别参数值 Card owner category parameter
卡费 Card cost
冲正 Flush