星期天,我趴在窗前看小喜鹊,两只嗷嗷待哺的小喜鹊正张着小嘴“喳喳”地叫着,好像在说:“妈妈,妈妈,我饿了!”喜鹊妈妈拍了拍翅膀,用嘴轻轻的衔了衔 两只小喜鹊头上的羽毛,好像在说:“好孩子,在家一定要小心,如果有人过来你们不要把头伸出来,不要让自己受到伤害,更不要到处乱跑,在家乖乖的等着妈妈 回来。”喜鹊妈妈出去捉虫了,只有两只小喜鹊在家里玩。这时小明和小刚来到树下,他们看见树上有两只小喜鹊在不停地叫,觉得很有意思。于是,小明拿着竹竿 捅鸟窝,鸟窝被捅破了,两只小喜鹊掉下来。一只小喜鹊的脚还受了伤,鲜血直流。我看见了心里很着急,就赶快跑出家门把小鸟带回了家。带回家后,我赶紧把药 和纱布拿出来,把药抹在纱布上,把纱布一圈一圈地包扎在小鸟的脚上。我把它放在笼子里,每天精心地喂它小米呀,肉虫呀,它吃得可香了。每天我去喂它时,它 就喳喳地叫个不停,好像在说:“谢谢你。”小鸟在我的喂养下,脚上的伤渐渐痊愈了。
Front of my house there is big tree, the tree has a magpie nest, nest home to her mother and two little magpies magpies. Every day after school I stopped watching for a while this happy one.
Sunday, I am lying in the window to see a small magpie, two little magpies are craving a mouth Zhang, "Cha Cha" manner exclaimed, as if to say: "Mama, Mama, I'm hungry!" Mom patted magpie wings , gently mouth the title of two of the title of the head of a small magpie feathers, as if to say: "good boy at home have to be careful that if someone came to you not to head out, do not let themselves get hurt, let alone chaos everywhere running, obediently waiting for mother to come back home. "Magpie Mama went out to catch insects, and only two small Magpies play at home. Then Siu-ming and Xiaogang went under a tree, they saw a tree with two small magpie non-stop calls, find it very interesting. As a result, Xiao-Ming carrying bamboo poles barrel nest, bird's nest was piercing, and two little magpies fall off. A little magpie's feet still hurt, blood DC. I saw felt very anxious, they quickly ran out of the house the bird back home. To take home, I quickly put out drugs and gauze to wipe the gauze on the drug, the gauze dressing in the bird circle to the feet. I put it in a cage, every day carefully fed millet ah, Rouchong Yeah, it can eat incense. Every day when I went to fed it Cha-cha to call non-stop, as if to say: "Thank you." Birds feeding on my under the feet of the injury gradually recovered.
One day, I saw birds in a cage jumping, flapping wings, I know it homesick. I released it from the cage and let it fly back to the blue sky of. While I am reluctant to take it, but it can return to nature, can find their own mother, my heart very happy.