Hey greedy,don’t fret
What you see is what you get
You name it,I have it
What you see is what you get
嘿 贪心鬼,不要烦啦
Little chick having chips on my sofa
Bearbricxs take a shit on my sofa
Smudge babies lying on my sofa
Neighborhxxds and kiks singing “so-fa”
先英文后意思哦 !!!
给我分哦 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey greedy,don’t fret嗨 贪心鬼 不要紧张
What you see is what you get你看到的就是你得到的
You name it,I have it你点名的我就有
What you see is what you get你看到的就是你得到的
左左 左左 偏左 就用左手 left, left, too left, use the left hand
生活 就不用 想太多 you now don't have to worry about life
怦怦 怦怦 心动 张开眼睛pounding hearts, open your eyes
就记得当下的 强烈you can remember the moments
有时灵光一闪而过 sometimes inspiration goes by
牛顿也吃苹果 Newton also eats apple
我的念头不太罗嗦 my thoughts aren't jabby
限时间能入座 there's limited time to get into your seat
请你 不要到处叩叩 please don't ask everyone everywhere
潮流需要抠抠 不小心就没抠抠fashion doesn't need money, if you're not causious you lose money
用力到处扣扣 花掉所有抠抠spending all the money everywhere
钱买不到绝活money can't by quality
你说 听说 听说 你听谁说 you say, you heard, who did you hear it from
跟着 乱走 闹哄哄follow, around, a bunch of mess
通通 通通 普通 普通 all, all, normal!
如果不懂 不要 随便 拒绝if you don't understand, don't easily refuse
有时灵光一闪而过 sometimes inspiration goes by
牛顿也吃苹果 Newton also eats apple
我的念头不太罗嗦 my thoughts aren't jabby
限时间能入座 there's limited time to get into your seat
请你 不要到处叩叩 please don't ask everyone everywhere
潮流需要抠抠 不小心就没抠抠fashion doesn't need money, if you're not causious you lose money
用力到处扣扣 花掉所有抠抠spending all the money everywhere
钱买不到绝活money can't by quality
Little chick having chips on my sofa小鸡在我沙发上吃薯片
Bearbricxs take a shit on my sofa暴利胸在我沙发搭便
Smudge babies lying on my sofa乱糟糟的娃娃在我沙发躺着
Neighborhxxds and kiks singing “so-fa”大家一起唱so-fa!
Little chick having chips on my sofa小鸡在我沙发上吃薯片
Bearbricxs take a shit on my sofa暴利胸在我沙发搭便
Smudge babies lying on my sofa乱糟糟的娃娃在我沙发躺着
Hey greedy,don’t fret嗨 贪心鬼 不要紧张
What you see is what you get你看到的就是你得到的
You name it,I have it你点名的我就有
What you see is what you get你看到的就是你得到的