Microampere instrumentation is a weak current is used to measure the important electrical equipment. It is the use of permanent magnets and coils of the electric current produced by the interaction theory, the sensitivity is very high. With different resistance to the resistance in series or in parallel, can be converted into a voltage range of different table or ammeter, also with other electronic components combination of electrical measurement volume and other non-electrical quantities. To ensure accurate measurements of the table microampere resistance measurements, it is extremely important significance. In this paper, laboratory measurements of several commonly used forms microampere resistance methods analyzed. First, the analysis of the various methods of measuring principle, and theoretically derived from the various methods of measuring the resistance expression, re-measurement of various methods to analyze the errors. Finally, the comparison of various methods and summarize the advantages and disadvantages of various methods. According to the measurement accuracy requirements and the specific conditions of the laboratory to select a suitable measurement method.