1.Install AliasStudio 2010
2.Before launching the application for the first time
open aw.dat from the crack dir with wordpad and replace the words "your_host"
with your ethernet address (no space. no dash) looks like 123456789123
Save and close wordpad.
If you dont know or cant find your ethernet address,
go to start->Programs->Autodesk->Common Utilities->FlexLM License Utilities
you ll find the info under System Settings
Using the run utility, type: awkeygen.exe aw.dat (in a dos window of course)
Copy aw.dat to C:\FLEXLM
3.Start AliasStudio
if you didnt copy the file in the right location or didnt edited it right
it will ask you to paste the lic file or specify where it is ..
4.That's it . Enjoy it
不要默认在C盘 会自动保存在我的文档 变成中文路径 安装就会失败。你说安装上是什么情况,是激活出问题 还是安装出问题?或者你还没激活?