
2025-03-11 00:02:16

L1 Foundations, forces and fields, Gauss's and Ampere's laws (∫) for static fields (PDF)
L2 Media, boundary conditions (PDF)
L3 Review vector operators; Maxwell's differential equations (t), E, H, uniform plane wave; sin (ωt) (PDF)
L4 Poynting theorem derivation (time), UPW example (we, wm, S(t)) (PDF)
Forces, motors, generators, and MEMS
L5 Electric forces on e-beams, C plates, force from ∂w/∂z; generators and sensors (PDF)
L6 Magnetic pressure, rotary wire and reluctance motors, forces on materials (PDF)
L7 Static Φ and fields, Laplace's equation, separation of variables (x,y,z); inhomogeneous materials (PDF)
Waves in media and at boundaries
L8 Electromagnetic fields in media, uniaxial media, quarter-wave plate (PDF)
L9 Boundary conditions, k•r, phase matching, non-uniform plane wave, Snell's law (PDF)
L10 TE at planar boundary, TM by duality, Brewster's angle (PDF)
Limits to computation speed
L11 Device and line delays; TEM parallel-plate line, telegraphers' equation, Zo (PDF)
L12 Transients: Thevenin equivalents; L, C, diode loads; initial conditions; lossy TEM (PDF)
RF/microwave guidance and filtering
L13 Architecture, generalized TEM line, Ζ(z), Γ(z), Ζ transformations (PDF)
L14 RLC resonators, series, parallel, ωo, ∆ω, α, QL, QI, QE, coupling (PDF)
L15 TEM resonators, we(t), wm(t), Q, ∆ω, examples; |V(z,f)| (PDF)
L16 TEmn rectangular waveguide, cavity resonators, perturbations (PDF)
Wireless communications
L17 Conservation of energy, power, G(θ,φ), Ae= Gλ2 /4π, Rr, VTh, RF links (PDF)
L18 Radiation by current elements, Hertzian dipole, near and far fields; Biot-Savart (PDF - 1.6MB)
L19 Receiving antennas: VTh in dipoles and loops; d<<λ/2π, G = 4πA/λ2 (PDF)
L20 Aperture antennas, diffraction (PDF)
Optical communications
L21 Optical fibers, applications, dielectric slab waveguide, fiber design (PDF)
L22 Lasers (PDF)
L23 Acoustic waves, boundary conditions, reflections, antennas (PDF)
L24 Course philosophy, resonator perturbations and speech generation (PDF)