The world of fashion has become global. What we wear is increasingly influenced by people living in places across the globe.The clothes we buy are likely to connect us to places on a global scale.
The pursuit of fashion connects people on a global scale to a network of designers and manufacturers. Away from the catwalk, globalisation takes us into an unglamorous world that challenges us to consider the issues surrounding ethical consumption.
In 1909, the millionaire French banker, Albert Khan set about photographing the world and its people. His work Les Archives de la Planète records a world before globalisation changed the way many people dressed.
Albert Khan's photographs show a world of local fashions and clothing. National dress was important and a persons clothing could reveal where they lived.
Today, our clothes are very different - something has happened to change the way people dress.
Indigo trousers worn by American cattle ranchers have become a global fashion icon. The story of cowboy pants begins with the course cotton material called denim that takes its name from the French town of Nîmes (de Nîmes).
During the Cold War, attempts were made by the USSR to restrict American jeans. Yet today, communism in Russia and China have given away to a new global clothing culture.