With the fast development of modern education technology,computer aided instruction(CAI) has been widely used in the classes of high schools.However,as a major form of CAI, coursewares confronted some
troubles in developing process, such as professional softwares were unable to match teachers' teaching styles and the quality of coursewares made by teachers themselves was unwarrantable.In this paper, the concept of courseware developing platform(CDP) was proposed, and the theoretic principles of developing platform, for instances the sphere of application about multi-media demostrations and the balance fuction of material pictures between students'interest-exciting and distraction ,were also concluded in the base of investigation and study. In addition,the paper also illustrated the fuctions possessed by CDP, various material forms in storehouse and the foundation of choice one by one. Meanwhile, it proposed the concept of 'full consideration for students' subjectivity during the courseware development on CDP'.While platform development was utilized by students for the purpose of autonomic learning, then which expanded the application scope of the softwares aided teaching.
Along with modern education technology fast development, computeraided teaching (CAI) by widespread use in the middle of middleschool's classroom. However, actually met such as the specializeddevelopment class as the CAI main form class in the development aspectto be unable to match teacher's teaching style, the class qualitylevel which the teacher voluntarily manufactured guarantees and so onthe question with difficulty. This article proposed the class developsthe platform the concept, and summarized the platform developmenttheory basis in the investigation and study foundation, for examplethe multimedia demonstration is suitable the scope, the sourcematerial picture should in stimulate the student interest with tocause it to divert attention found the balance and so on. Anddeveloped in the function and its each kind of storehouse regardingthe class which the platform should have the source material form, thechoice basis 11 has also given the explanation. At the same time,proposed manufactures the platform in the class in the development tohave fully to consider student's in teaching main body concept, theplatform development also needs independently to study for the studentuses, then, expanded the teaching to assist software the applicablescope.