
2025-02-23 05:18:32

Please let me know the status of my rental deposit.
When will I be receiving the refund?
I have already given my bank account number to ***.
However, till date I still have yet to receive any money from him.
The refund has been in arrears for a very long time.(看注(1))
Please expedite the refund.(看注(2), (3))
Thank you.

1)英文字面的意思是“押金已拖欠了很久”。觉得这比较好因为重点是在“拖欠押金”。既然押金拖欠了很久那也是说你等了很久。 如果不喜欢就用 “Ihave been waiting for a long time.” or " I have already waited for a long time."
2)“最近缺钱用”翻译为“Recently, I am facing cash flow problem." 可是这一句话我任为不需要告诉欠款者。因为这对于追讨欠款是没有帮助的。反而应加入以下的句子”According to your contract (或 "agreement"), the rental deposit should be refunded within xx days. It has already been more than xx days."
3)”尽快”可被翻译为“As soon as possible”。可是我任为不适用在追讨欠款的情况。因为意思“以欠款者所任为的可行度而尽量加快”。如果欠款者任为“not possible“ 那就不会量加快了。 所以我用 "expedite" 。



May I know something about renting deposit. when the deposit can be refunded. I already gave the account No. to ....,but he did not tranfer any money to me yet. I have been kept waiting for long. cause I am in short of cash recently,would you please return deposit as soon as possible, thank you.


If you can not give back my putmoney,
I"ll go to tell police man for help.
If I am angrry I"ll kill you ! man
I have very very little money right now and I want monet to see my girl frend.
So if you are a rightman , give back my putmoney qucelly!!Man  


please advise the status of renting deposit, when you can return it back? I have already given my account number to ..., but he has not yet returned it. I have been waiting for a long time. Please return the deposit as soon as possible for I am hard for money recently. Thanks!


what about the rental deposit? I am short of money recently. when wil you return the rental deposit to me? though i have given my bank account to you, i haven't got the deposit. please soon.