On December 7, 1941 before dawn, Japan for eliminated the south boundexpanded war the main barrier, to beautifully attacked without priornotice, the date united fleets in commander Guanshan this 56 naviessenior general's planning with the direction under, its airplane andthe submarine suddenly attacked US Pacific fleet base Pearl harbor aswell as the United States Army and navy's in Hawaii all United Statesmilitary airport and many the naval vessel which anchored in Pearlharbor. Does not guard against US'S 12 battleships and other ships areattacked and sunk or wreck, 188 airplanes are destroyed, 2,400Americans lost life, only the Arizona number battleship explodes whenthe submersion has over a thousand dead. "The Pearl Harbor Incident"the matter sent after second days on December 8, US has abandoned "theisolated principle", Congress has carried unanimously the resolutionwhich declared war to the date. American President Roosevelt signedproclaimed the war declaration, and announcement on December 7 for US"national humiliation date". "The Pearl Harbor Incident" thoroughlyhas been involved in US Second World War.