(a) Notice=注意(动词)
(b) "though" = 虽说/虽然(这样).
(c) Notice, though, ...= 虽然这样, (我们要) 注意...
注: "though" 前面和后面的 " 逗号" 不能漏掉.
(1) What you may notice, though, is that the new layer naturally has a reduced opacity, meaning it is a little bit transparent. ...
(2) We couldn't help but notice, though, that the Web Update tab, which controls definition file and software updates, ran far more sluggishly than in previous ...
虽然注意,运算法则在数值上直接地操作过 iterators,不以任何方式影响任何合理容器的结构
就是 “但是注意一下”跟"but notice "差不多