
2025-01-04 09:33:59

From an aspiring youth with ambitious dreams to becoming a “gentleman” who was a sycophant of the rich as well as a fame and fortune seeker, one aspect that had caused this transformation of Eugene Rastignac was the social influence which allowed him to realize the greatness of money and power; another aspect was his personal weakness of human nature, he began to question his ideal and faith, started to be dazed and confused by a society where money was all but everything. A man would be easily lured by benefits when his values started wavering. “What is the purpose of being a human?” This is the foundation of a person’s sense of values. We will not be easily affected by external influence only when we have found a kind of faith and we hold on to it.



由摄影机的运动和不同镜头的剪辑所产生的蒙太奇不仅形成了银幕形象的构成法则Abstract Cultural differences around the world, with the continuous


The reason why Rastignac from a aspirant,dreamming youth, finally became a "gentleman" following rich and power, pursuing fame and wealth, one was the impact of environment, this cause him see the powerful of money and power, the other was the weakness from own humanity, he became doubt of his ideal and belief, confused of the money worship society. People queit easily seduced by interests when their values are in shake. "Why becomes a man?" This is the basic of one's values. Find a religion and insist on it, tnen it is not so easy to be affected by the outside world.


The reasons why Rastignac finally became a "Gentleman" with full of careerism and flunkyism from an aspirant youth with dreams are that he had seen the power of money and power under influence from the social environment from one hand, and he had some weakness in his own personality. When he started to doubt his idealities and beliefs, missed himself in the society for money, lost his idea of social value, he would be easily lured by interests. "What is purpose for a man to live?" This is fundamental for a person's value system. Only when a man achieves a proper belief and insist it, he will be able not to be seduced from the outside world.


The reason why Rastignac turned from a aspirant youngman to a timeserving "gentleman" lay in two pieces of facts: The environment which illustrated the strength of money and power influence him; The disadvantage of human nature arose, developing doubt on his ideal and faith, confusing him in this money-oriented society. A man can easily be tempted when his values are not firmly rooted. " What does a man live for? " This is the foundation of one's values. One can not be easily affected externally as long as there is a faith to believe.