The electronic government affairs records management system is themanagement information system (MIS), its development mainly includesthe backstage database the establishment and the maintenance as wellas front end the application procedure development two aspects.Establishes the data uniformity and the integrity regarding formerrequest is strong, the data security good storehouse. But requestsregarding latter to have the application procedure functioncompletely, is easy to use and so on the characteristic. We use ASP to take the development kit, SQL Server took the backstagedatabase, developed take B/S as the pattern based on the ASPelectronic government affairs records management system. This systemhas three kind of users: System manager, file clerk and user. The systemmanager has all jurisdiction, the file clerk is responsible for the records depository management, the user may carry on to the file borrows the operation. For the over all system organization management,the system divides into seven big modules: The records depository management, the user management, the organization management, the records management, the file borrows, the file retrieval, my file,seven modules function all completely relatively independent designs,realize respective management function, then integrates again them to an total control module , realizes the overall system design to complete. This system will realize records management each flow, will simplify many nonessential middle links, will enhance the records management the efficiency, will cause the file to past rapidly, the use will be fuller.