Dear Tony, you know what I'm waiting for
You know I everyday in your songs
You know sometimes I cry for you
Because you and stronger
Step by step, forward
Toward the direction of the light
因为 有你的存在
Because of your existence
所以 我也存在
So I also exist
Do you know I am waiting
Do you know I'm listening to your songs every day
Do you know sometimes I cry for you
And being strong because of you
step by step ,going forward
towards the direction of light
because of your existence
so do I
Dear Tony,
Do you know I am waiting for you?
Do you know I listen to your song every day?
Do you know I cry for you sometimes?
You make me stronger.
Walking forward,step by step,to the light.
Just as you are there,I go there too.
Dear Tony,
Do you know that I am waiting?
Do you know that I listen to your songs everyday?
Do you know that sometimes I cry because of you?
and also I will be stronger because of you.
step by step, I will keep going.
I am here for you.