
2025-03-12 08:34:38

历史的回顾 Coca-Cola was born in Atlanta, Georgia, USA on May 8, 1886. A local pharmacist, Dr John Styth Pemberton invented the drink at his home. His partner first used the now famous trademark "Coca-Cola. " The first year, sales averaged 9 drinks per day. Each drink sold for 5 cents. Today billions of gallons are consumed each year. "Coke" for short, is sold in 155 countries around the world. To protect the trade name, "Coca-Cola, Coke," and even the "familiar shaped bottle" are registered trademarks. 可口可乐于1886年5月8日诞生于美国佐治亚州的亚特兰大城市。当地的一位药剂师约翰· 斯蒂斯·彭伯顿在自己家中发明了这种饮料。他的合伙人首先使用了现今闻名全球的商标“可口可乐”。第一年饮料的平均销售为一天9罐。每一罐售价为5美分。而今,每年销量全球155个国家。为保护商标名称,“Coca-Cola, Coke”和甚至大家熟悉的形状独特的可乐瓶都被注册为专利商标。COKE FOR THE WORLD 行销全球的可乐 Promotion from the early years to present day has made Coke the world's most popular soft drink. In the early 1900's bottling plants were set up in a few countries outside the USA. Coke introduced the six-bottle carton so consumers could easily carry home the beverage. The Chicago World Fair in 1933 introduced the automatic "fountain dispenser." In 1928 Coke began a connection with the Olympics. During World War II, Coke set up bottling plants close to military camps. When the war ended, the plants remained in operation. Coca-Cola became the world's symbol of peace. Coke is now familiar world-wide. 从早期到目前的促销活动使可乐成为全球最受欢迎的饮料。在本世纪初,可乐公司只在美国之外的几个国家建立了生产厂家。公司先是引进了6瓶装纸盒,让顾客方便容易地把饮料带回家。又在1933年芝加哥世界博览会上推出自动“汽水出售机”。1928年,可乐开始与奥林匹克运动会建立联系。在第二次世界大战中,可乐公司在靠近军营的地区设立生产厂家。战争结束后,生产厂家继续运作。可口可乐成为世界和平的标志。如今可乐已蜚声全球。SLOGAN CALENDAR 历年口号一览 Creative slogans throughout the years have kept Coca-Cola "king of hill." Here are some of the slogans which have made Coca-Cola forever famous. 历年充满创意的口号使可口可乐一直保持霸主地位。下面就是使可口可乐经久不衰的一些口号.1886 Delicious and Refreshing 美味怡神1922 Thirst knows no Season 渴不分季节1925 It had to be good to get where it is 可乐美不胜收1927 Around the corner from anywhere 可乐无处不在1929 The pause that Refreshes心旷神怡的那一刻1936 It's the Refreshing Thing to Do 令你心向神往的可乐1944 Global High Sign 全球欢腾1957 Sign of Good Taste 高品味的象征1963 Things Go Better with Coke 可乐更添妙趣1969 It's the Real Thing 真材实料1976 Coke Adds Life可乐增添生活情趣1979 Have a Coke and a Smile 喝可乐令你开心微笑1982 Coke Is It! 这就是可乐1986 Catch The Wave赶浪潮Red, White, and You 红白与你相辉映1995 Always Coca-Co1a 永远的可口可乐COKE THE LEADER领导潮流的可乐 Coca-Cola has been the world leader in every department of the soft drink industry. They were the first to put their drink in bottles. Coke was also the first to use aluminium cans. After years of research Coke introduced plastic bottles for their product. Coca-Cola introduced the first low calorie soft drink, "TAB." In l982, Coca-Cola made history with the introduction of "DIET coke." Coca-cola pioneered the fruit-flavored Colas with "CHERRY COKE." 可口可乐一直是世界软饮料工业每一部门的先驱者。他们创先把饮料注入瓶子中。率先使用铝罐。多年研究后可乐公司又推出塑料包装的产品。可口可乐首先投放了低热量的饮料“TAB”。1982年可口可乐又开历史先河,推出“减肥可乐”。还最新尝试把果味加入可乐中,推出“樱桃可乐”。


Coca-Cola's rich history, enduring. Since the beginning of 1886, we began to Break the Earth. As you will see, we have only just begun.
In 1886, John. Stig Division. Peng Compton in Atlanta, Georgia followed by the invention of Coca-Cola's global popularity. The chemical experts in the yard of his house, a modulation of the color of caramel syrup, and stored in a brass pot in the three-legged. For the first time, he will be "Coca-Cola," mounted on a water bottle in the corner to Jacob's pharmacy in the "distribution." In the cold next to the cabinet, five cents will be able to drink a cup of Coca-Cola. This year, Coca-Cola's average daily sales for the Cup 9. Coca-Cola soft drink industry is one of the world's leader of a group, headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. Coupled with its global headquarters in the various branches of a total staff of more than 3. Coca-Cola logo with the logo for the company's flagship constitute trademark, as well as other more than 160 different brands of The Coca-Cola Company in the production or sale by us. And our branches are located in more than 200 countries around the world, in fact, 70% of the company's production and 80% of the profits come from outside the United States.
◆ scattered and unity
Coca-Cola's most powerful energy that it will spread organically in the global business sector to form a unified management model. This model is bottled constitute the core of the system. Bottled by Coca-Cola Company is authorized to distribute our products, but operated by independent local companies. Their function is to the local authority, high quality production and sales.
In our lives, Coca-Cola products everywhere. Our main trademarks in the world far-reaching implications, maverick; as Fanta, Sprite, Coca-Cola, of course, that such trademarks are well-known in many countries. We still have a number of prestigious brands in the world, so no matter where you are, you can enjoy the Coca-Cola to bring to you


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