记得我回家最晚的一天,是在小学三年级的时候,事情的来龙去脉是这样的: 一天下午,轮到我值日,等我和同学打扫完教室后,以经快六点了。忽然,左舒婷对我说:‘‘静怡,反正今天作业一点点而已,你就去我家玩玩吧!反正我自已一个人在家里也非常无聊。‘‘呃,你家远不远啊?’’我问。舒婷回答:‘‘不远啊,你不是有骑自行车吗?骑自行车五六分钟就到了!’’‘‘那好吧,不过我只能玩一会儿,否则我的爸爸妈妈会担心我的。’’‘‘好。’’然后我就跟舒婷玩太过瘾了,等我想起要回家时已经快七点了,天已经黑了,后来舒婷借给了我一把手电筒,我才顺利地回了家。快到家时,我看见爸爸妈妈正在家门囗一直找我,一直喊我的名字。过了一会儿,妈妈发现了我,妈妈紧紧地抱住我,说道:‘‘静怡,你去哪了,妈妈一直找你找不到,吓死我和你爸了!’’我抬起头,发现妈妈的脸上显出异常的喜极而泣的表情,于是便把事情的来龙去脉告诉了妈妈,爸爸妈妈便赶紧把我带进去吃饭了。 饭桌上异常的冷,好像所有的菜都挂上了冰碴“去哪了?干什么去了?”爸爸首先把破了饭桌上的冷清。我忐忑的把事情的经过说了一遍。随便吃了几口饭就出去看电视了 我正看着电视,妈妈过来了,看我好像把刚才的事全忘了,妈妈看了我一眼就走了,我以为没事了。谁知道,妈妈拿了一个鸡毛掸子生气地说:“过来,乖乖让我打两下啥事没有,否则……”我躲的“我打你这一回,你就记住了,不打你,你记不住”妈妈说着把我拽过来了。拿着鸡毛掸子打了我几下。打完之后,妈妈生气地说:“你改不改”我忐忑不安的说:“妈妈,我一定改”说完妈妈就看哭了,爸爸让我给妈妈道歉,看见妈妈哭我也哭了起来,边哭边说:“妈妈我错了,”站了一会,妈妈脸上还带着眼泪说:“赶紧写作业去吧”到了屋里,我听见妈妈还在哭。我暗下决心:“爸爸、妈妈我以后再也不敢这样了,我以后不把你的话当耳旁风了,爸爸、妈妈我以后再也不这样做了”
家是我们最温暖的港湾.每当自己无助的时候,一想到家,心里就十分温暖. 星期天,我去琴行练琴.练完后,我习惯性地走向车站,却大吃一惊!那个车站竟然维修了,不再供车停靠.我不安地张望着远方,忽然想起马路对面有一个2路车车站,能到离家不远的市立医院,便穿越马路,坐上2路车.此时,我忽略了一个很重要的信息,那就是车是朝相反方向开的. 我迷迷糊糊地坐在车上,心里还暗自高兴,称赞自己解决问题的能力学不错,不知不觉过了三四站.车行驶到一个陌生的地方停下来,车上的人都下光了,一个声音在我耳边响起:"小朋友,终点站到了,该下车了."这是哪里?我一头雾水,小心翼翼地下了车,望着周围陌生的环境,差一点哭了出来!怎么觉得离家特别远?好像到了另外一个城市! 我走走停停,心里不断安慰自己.天渐渐黑了,暗黄的灯光打在我身上,我的心里空荡荡的.我看了看手表,距下课时间过去一个多小时了.我在陌生的路上徘徊,泪水不争气地流了下来.也不知走到哪里,一抬头,我发现我已经走到台东!台东可是我经常来的地方,希望的火苗又重新亮了起来.我小跑了起来,坐上车,不一会儿就到了家. 妈妈已经坐卧不安地等了我很久,她上来抱住我,问:"你去哪了?担心死我了!"我委屈地说:"我坐错车了,差点找不到家!"妈妈惊讶地张大嘴巴,听完我的叙述之后,妈妈拍了拍胸口,长长地舒了口气,说:"万幸,万幸!" 这次晚归,让我知道,家是最温暖、最安全的地方.到家了,心里才踏实!
Old English literature on the island of England in the early inhabitants Celtic and other tribes, leaving no written literature. When the 5th century, the original living Nordic three Germanic tribes, the angles, saxons and the jutes - invaded Britain, their epic Beowulf handed down. The hero of the poem the aged hero Beowulf battles to kill a troll, dou duron, and in the process of evil forces to conquer the nature for the people died. Its background and the plot is the Nordic, but mixed with Christianity, shows the epic several modifications, is not the original. In accordance with the manuscripts preserved in a 10th century version, in the structural integrity of the poem and writing vivid, alliteration, re-read the words and phrase used by demonstrate the features of Old English poetry. 6 the end of the century, Christianity was introduced into the UK, the religious literature. Monks in Latin writing a book, of which the bede by the British people's religious history "(731) with both a rare historical facts, and abound philosophic legend, admired, and translated into English. Since then, the Danish invasion, a lot of the temple was destroyed by war, academic and decay. 9 end of the 19th century, the king of wessex Alfred strong resistance to Dan, to revitalize academic at the same time, hired a group of scholars to Latin books translated into English, and encouraged to write a chronicle of the Anglo - Saxon, this is the beginning of writing history in the local language. Middle English literature in 1066, the Norman invasion, brought in continental Europe, the feudal system, also brought a group of French nobles. Affected by the ruling class language, Old English itself in play a change, for the development of middle English after the 12th century. Also appeared in the literature of new fashion, popular legend written in verse knight, they sing praises to the Lord's loyalty and love of high lady there high artistic quality "Sir Gawain and the green knight". It written in the alliterative verse, content is a "round table" under the ancient king Arthur's adventure. 14 century, middle English literature has reached the peak. This period of important poet Chaucer's creation course, from the early works of France and Italy, follow into the then British ecru realism, shows the confidence of English literature. His masterpiece the Canterbury tales with beautiful, lively rhyme, describes a group of pilgrims on their way to Canterbury air of speech; They come from different classes and industry, and each story or elegant or vulgar, reveals the various social reality. At the same time, there are church clerk long poems written by Glenn alliteration body piers plowman (a "dream of the farmer Peter"), with a dream, the symbol of form and meaning of writing before and after the peasant uprising of 1381 rural reality, pen used to take a serious right and wrong. Same unleashing the lower people's emotions and folk songs, they are often in a long period of time after the oral tradition to write up, one of the first 15 th-century codex Robin Hood ballads, depicts a group of farmers' Robin Hood,Hit the church monks and deeds of the law enforcement officials, told today. Second, the literature during the Renaissance in the 16th century, due to the new route discovery after overseas trade developed, Britain's national strength gradually enrichment, rising nationalism, vanquished Spain sent to continental powers invaded in 1588 "Armada". Culture also appeared on an active, good with paying of the Renaissance.