You hear that? That's the mating call of the Northmen. They want to fuck us.
你听到了吗? 那群北方姥在发春呢。 他们想干咱们
Well, I haven't had a good fuck in weeks. I'm ready for one.
很好,我已经几周没好好干过了 正准备大干一场。
They say every inonborn man is worth a dozen form the mainland.
You think they are right? "Aye"
你们也同意吧 众:是的
我觉得真可悲啊 为了他自己的自尊心 渴望得到认可,学士劝他逃走,他自尊心作祟非得抵抗,然后他的士兵 早就想溜了 ,席恩鼓舞大家,没想到的是被一开始就拍他马屁的人敲晕了.... 好尴尬啊
What is dead may never die.