
2025-03-11 13:40:12

酒店市场营销计划的制定还只是营销管理过程的开始,一份成功的营销计划不仅只是看上去完美的“艺术品”也应涉及很多详细的工作布置安排和如何执行的问题。许多营销计划失败的原因都在于不够详细、过于模糊或不确定,使得各种营销活动的工作人员概念是混淆或不知道自己的工作职责在哪,而设计酒店形象营销活动的负责人则需要花很多的时间去为他们做解释工作,其结果是导致计划花费过多的无效支出和造成整个计划实施的延误。要想使营销计划得以有效实施,酒店市场营销系统中各级人员工作的协调合作是必不可少的。此外,酒店与外部环境的协调发展也对营销计划的实施有重要影响。 酒店市场营销实施,是指酒店为实现战略目标而致力于将营销战略和计划变为具体的营销措施的过程。也就是说,要有效地调动酒店的全部资源投入到日常业务活动中去。分析市场环境、制定市场战略和市场营销计划是解决酒店“应该做什么”和“为什么这样做”的问题;而市场营销实施则是要解决“有谁去做”、“在什么地方做”、“怎样做”的问题。 酒店市场营销实施是一个艰巨而复杂的过程。国外的一项研究表明,90%被调查的计划人员认为,他们制定的战略和战术之所以没有成功,是因为没有得到有效的实施。管理人员常常难以判断营销工作具体实施中的问题,营销失败的原因可能是由于战略战术本身有问题,也可能是由于正确的战略战术没得到有效的实施。 The formulation of the hotel marketing plan is only the beginning of the process of marketing management, a successful marketing plan is not just looks perfect "art" should also be involved in a lot of detailed work arrangement is and how to perform. Many reasons for the failure of marketing programs is not detailed enough, too vague or uncertain, confused or do not know their job responsibilities which makes the concept of the staff of the various marketing activities, and the person in charge of the marketing activities you need to spend a lot of time to help them do the interpretation, the results lead to plans to spend too much ineffective spending and cause the whole project implementation delays. In order to make marketing plans are effectively implemented, coordination and cooperation at all levels of staff in work of hotel marketing system is essential. In addition, the coordinated development of the hotel with the external environment have a major impact on the implementation of the marketing plan.