慕容冲370年,前燕为前秦所灭后,包括慕容冲及其兄慕容泓在内的众多鲜卑慕容部人被迁往关中。慕容冲且成了前秦天王苻坚的娈童,和其姐清河公主皆被苻坚宠幸,长安因而有歌谣:“一雌复一雄,双飞入紫宫。” 前秦建元十九年(383年),前秦于淝水之战大败,对境内各族的控制力减弱。建元二十年(384年)慕容冲之叔慕容垂于河北叛变,慕容泓亦于关中举兵称济北王,因此时任平阳太守的慕容冲也在河东起兵,其后并归慕容泓,一同西进长安。不久,谋臣高盖等人认为慕容泓德望不如慕容冲,且用法苛刻严峻,于是杀慕容泓,改立慕容冲为皇太弟。385年,慕容冲即皇帝位于阿房宫,改元更始,之后经过一番惨烈的攻防后占领长安。慕容冲因为畏惧慕容垂的强大,不敢东回鲜卑人的故地,因而军心思变。更始二年(386年),为左将军韩延所杀,变军拥立将军段随为燕王。慕容冲后来被谥为威皇帝。MuRongChong Thirty-seven years ago after QianQin consume for yan, including MuRongHong MuRongChong and brother, the numerous xianbei MuRong department people were moved to missions. MuRongChong and becomes a QianQin FuJian lalitasana the male cult prostitutes, and its sister both FuJian favour by qinghe princess, enterprise song, "which is a female after a male, the purple palace." ode The former qin dynasty jianyuan 2002 383 years), Steve (QianQin nanfeihe water wars in the territory of China by defeat all control, abate. Jianyuan twenty years (384 years) of MuRongChong MuRongChui from hebei mutiny, uncle MuRongHong also in guanzhong amid tribes says Jackie north king, so the TaiShou then pingyang MuRongChong also in hedong arise, then MuRongHong together, and be westward changan. Soon, the adviser high cover etc MuRongChong looking MuRongHongDe than people think, and usage demanding serious, then kill MuRongHong MuRongChong, change made for huang too brother. 385 years, MuRongChong namely in AFangGong, gaiyuan emperor, which had no aspiration after the attack after a bloody occupation of enterprise after. MuRongChong for fear of powerful, dare not MuRongChui east of xianbei back, and army mind change home. Two years (386 years) which had no aspiration for the left HanYan, killed by general, with the second variable army general section for YanWang. MuRongChong were later Shi willy emperor.