
2025-01-01 20:07:29

Tokio Hotel 的World Behind My Wall


消费者的无差异曲线特征: 1.无差异曲线是一条向右下方倾斜的线,斜率是负的。表明为实现同样的满足程度,增加一种商品的消费,必须减少另一种商品的消费。 2.在同一个平面上可以有无数条无差异曲线。同一条曲线代表相同的效用,不同的曲线代表不同的效用。 3.无差异曲线不能相交。否则无差异曲线的定义会和它的第二特征发生矛盾。 4.无差异曲线凸向原点。 5.假定每个商品都被限定为多了比少了好,那么无差异曲线一定向右下方倾斜,就是说,其斜率一定为负。只是在特殊情况下,即当某种商品为中性物品或令人讨厌的物品时,无差异曲线才表现为水平的或者垂直的,甚至是向右上方倾斜,即斜率为正。 6.在每种商品都不被限定为多了比少了好的前提下,无差异曲线图中位置越高或距离原点越远的无差异曲线所代表的消费者的满足程度越高。换句话说,较高无差异曲线上所有商品组合的效用高于较低的无差异曲线上所有商品组合的效用。 7.任何两条无差异曲线不能相交。这是因为两条无差异曲线如果相交,就会产生矛盾。只要消费者的偏好是可传递的,无差异曲线就不可能相交。 8.无差异曲线通常是凸向原点的,这是由于边际替代率递减规律所决定的。 所以,无差异曲线是所有使消费者效用不变的消费组合。同一条无差异曲线上的每一个点所代表的商品组合所提供的总效用是相等的,所以无差异曲线也叫做等效用线。 供参考。


A brief talk on the development of household water purifiers
Zhou Lingling1, Wu Daoji2, Zhang Yongji3
1. School of Municipal & Environmental Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150090, China; 2. College of Environmental and Municipal Engineering; Shandong Jianzhu University; Jinan 250101; China; 3. College of Environmental Science & Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China; Abstract:These theses mainly describes the main purification process which is mainly depending on activated carbon and membrane filtration technology and their optimization and strengthen technologies as well as some compound water purification processes which are based on activated carbon and membrane filtration technology.
Pose problems which are based on the current state of the development of household water purifiers. The problems
direction from many aspects.
Keywords: household water purifiers; activated carbon; membrane filtration; ultraviolet disinfection

include the imperfect production standards and management methods. Give a brief outlook of its development百度地图


world behind my wall