1。无所为 2。碌碌无为 3。为一小家而忙碌一生
4。为了自己理想而奋斗一生 5。为了大多数人幸福而忙碌一生
如果想充实自己的人生就要从目标点着手 有了目标与希望自然不会空虚 尝试去眺望远方吧
看李开复老师的<<做最好的自己>> 写给大学生的 很有用
do what you like
dont care about result because you said the process is all you needed.
maybe you will lose good job beautiful girl the concerns of your friends and the expectation of your family or other social person and many many thing you dont realized and you real needed
BUT you gain your life ..that it is.
you never kown what you going to lose but you konw the goal.
有得就有失。 做好准备面对失去和得到。开始你的旅行。