Hey dad.I hope you're fine.I'd tell you that this exchang program was really fantastic.I'm live at Sue's family.They're very friendly and try their best to made me feel at home.Yesterday I went to the Science Museum and I'll going to the shopping cambridge tomorrow.I look forward to meet you after a week.Give my best regards to mom.
一天,小动物们来到数学王国的城门,看到国王和两位士兵站在城门前,国王对他们说;谁能计算出士兵身上的数学题,谁就可以进入数学王国.小动物们看到一位士兵身上的题目是:5+3+4=? 他们异口同声地说:等于12.另一位士兵身上的题目是:5/3*2=? 小动物们又很快地回答出来了.国王让小动物们进入王国.在王国里有许多各式各样的数学题,有加有减有除有乘,他们在数学王国里学会了用加减乘除列式.时间过得很快他们告别国王,就回家了.
分这么少了 文章又这么没有挑战性 谁会写啊